Loop detection in a distributed publish/subscribe network
In a distributed publish/subscribe network, it is important that publications and proxy subscriptions cannot loop, because this would result in a flooded network with connected subscribers receiving multiple copies of the same original publication.
The proxy subscription aggregation system described in Proxy subscriptions in a publish/subscribe network does not prevent the formation of a loop, although it will prevent the perpetual looping of proxy subscriptions. Because the propagation of publications is determined by the existence of proxy subscriptions, they can enter a perpetual loop. IBM MQ uses the following technique to prevent publications from perpetually looping:
As publications move around a publish/subscribe topology each queue manager adds a unique fingerprint to the message header. Whenever a publish/subscribe queue manager receives a publication from another publish/subscribe queue manager, the fingerprints held in the message header are checked. If its own fingerprint is already present, the publication has fully circulated around a loop, so the queue manager discards the message, and adds an entry to the error log.
Note: Within a loop, publications are propagated in both directions around the loop, and each queue manager within the loop receives both publications before the originating queue manager discards the looped publications. This results in subscribing applications receiving duplicate copies of publications until the loop is broken.