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Grant access to a user to subscribe to a topic deeper within the tree

This topic is the second in a list of tasks that tells you how to grant access to topics by more than one user.

Before you begin

This topic uses the setup described in Grant access to a user to subscribe to a topic.

About this task

If the point in the topic tree where the application makes the subscription is not represented by an administrative topic object, move up the tree until the closest parent administrative topic object is located. The security profile is checked, based on the name of that topic object.
Figure 1. Example of granting access to a topic within a topic tree

Table 1. Access requirements for example topics and topic objects
Topic Subscribe access required Topic object
Price No user None
Price/Fruit USER1 FRUIT
Price/Fruit/Apples USER1  
Price/Fruit/Oranges USER1  

In the previous task USER1 was granted access to subscribe to topic Price/Fruit by granting it access to the hlq.SUBSCRIBE.FRUIT profile on z/OSĀ® and subscribe access to the FRUIT profile on other platforms. This single profile also grants USER1 access to subscribe to Price/Fruit/Apples, Price/Fruit/Oranges and Price/Fruit/#.

When USER1 attempts to subscribe to topic Price/Fruit/Apples the result is success.

When USER2 attempts to subscribe to topic Price/Fruit/Apples the result is failure with an MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED message, together with:

Note the following: