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Revoked certificates and OCSP

IBM MQ determines which Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder to use, and handles the response received. You might have to take steps to make the OCSP responder accessible.

Note: This information applies only to IBM MQ on UNIX, Linux , and Windows systems. To check the revocation status of a digital certificate using OCSP, IBM MQ can use two methods to determines which OCSP responder to contact:

A URL specified in an authentication information object or by a client application takes priority over a URL in an AIA certificate extension.

If the URL of the OCSP responder lies behind a firewall, reconfigure the firewall so the OCSP responder can be accessed or set up an OCSP proxy server. Specify the name of the proxy server by using the SSLHTTPProxyName variable in the SSL stanza. On client systems, we can also specify the name of the proxy server by using the environment variable MQSSLPROXY. For more details, see the related information.

If you are not concerned whether TLS certificates are revoked, perhaps because you are running in a test environment, we can set OCSPCheckExtensions to NO in the SSL stanza. If you set this variable, any AIA certificate extension is ignored. This solution is unlikely to be acceptable in a production environment, where you probably do not want to allow access from users presenting revoked certificates.

The call to access the OCSP responder can result in one of the following three outcomes:

Digital signing of OCSP responses

An OCSP responder can sign its responses in one of three ways. Your responder will inform you which method is used.

Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) in Java and JMS client applications

Due to a limitation of the Java API, IBM MQ can use Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) certificate revocation checking for TLS secure sockets only when OCSP is enabled for the entire Java virtual machine (JVM) process. There are two ways to enable OCSP for all secure sockets in the JVM:

As a minimum, you must specify one of the ocsp.enable and ocsp.responderURL values.

Property Name Description
ocsp.enable This property's value is either true or false. If true, OCSP checking is enabled when doing certificate revocation checking; if false or not set, OCSP checking is disabled.
ocsp.responderURL This property's value is a URL that identifies the location of the OCSP responder. Here is an example; ocsp.responderURL=http://ocsp.example.net:80. By default, the location of the OCSP responder is determined implicitly from the certificate that is being validated. The property is used when the Authority Information Access extension (defined in RFC 3280) is absent from the certificate or when it requires overriding.
ocsp.responderCertSubjectName This property's value is the subject name of the OCSP responder's certificate. Here is an example; ocsp.responderCertSubjectName=CN=OCSP Responder, O=XYZ Corp. By default, the certificate of the OCSP responder is that of the issuer of the certificate that is being validated. This property identifies the certificate of the OCSP responder when the default does not apply. Its value is a string distinguished name (defined in RFC 2253) which identifies a certificate in the set of certificates that are supplied during cert path validation. In cases where the subject name alone is not sufficient to uniquely identify the certificate, then both the ocsp.responderCertIssuerName and ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber properties must be used instead. When this property is set, then the properties ocsp.responderCertIssuerName and ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber are ignored.
ocsp.responderCertIssuerName This property's value is the issuer name of the OCSP responder's certificate. Here is an example; ocsp.responderCertIssuerName=CN=Enterprise CA, O=XYZ Corp. By default, the certificate of the OCSP responder is that of the issuer of the certificate that is being validated. This property identifies the certificate of the OCSP responder when the default does not apply. Its value is a string distinguished name (defined in RFC 2253) which identifies a certificate in the set of certificates that are supplied during cert path validation. When this property is set then the ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber property must also be set. This property is ignored when the ocsp.responderCertSubjectName property is set.
ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber This property's value is the serial number of the OCSP responder's certificate. Here is an example; ocsp.responderCertSerialNumber=2A:FF:00. By default, the certificate of the OCSP responder is that of the issuer of the certificate that is being validated. This property identifies the certificate of the OCSP responder when the default does not apply. This value is a string of hexadecimal digits (colon or space separators might be present) which identifies a certificate in the set of certificates that are supplied during cert path validation. When this property is set then the ocsp.responderCertIssuerName property must also be set. This property is ignored when the ocsp.responderCertSubjectName property is set.

Before you enable OCSP in this way, there are a number of considerations: