Operations and control messages (CSQO...)
- CSQO001I
'*' may only be final character.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A character string entered in the Name field contains an asterisk character that is not in the last position. This is not allowed.
- System action
The main menu is redisplayed.
- CSQO002I
Action action is not allowed.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An incorrect action number was entered in the action code field. The number must be in the range shown on the panel.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO003I
Use the ISPF command PFSHOW to display F-key settings
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
On entry to Operations and Control, F-key settings are not being displayed. This tells you how to display the settings; you need to use F-keys to use the Operations and Control panels.
- System action
- CSQO004I
Object object-type is not allowed.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The value entered in the Object type field was invalid.
- System action
The main menu is redisplayed.
- CSQO005I
Multiple replies returned. Press F10 to view.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
Several error messages were returned by the queue manager in response to an action from Operations and Control.
- System action
The main menu is redisplayed.
- CSQO006I
Blank name is not allowed with action queue manager *.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The Define action was selected and the Name field was left blank to define a new object using default attributes. However, an asterisk (*) was entered for the action queue manager, which is not allowed in this case.
- System action
The main menu is redisplayed.
- CSQO007I
'field' must be supplied.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
Nothing was entered in the named field. This value is required to continue.
- System action
The current panel is displayed again.
- CSQO008I
F-key is not active.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
A function key that is not currently available was pressed.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO009I
Action action is not allowed for object type object-type.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The action number that you entered is not allowed for object-type objects.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO010I
Queue manager or group is not available.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to connect to a queue manager was unsuccessful. If a queue manager name was specified, the queue manager is not running. If a queue sharing group name was specified, there are no queue managers running in that group.
- System action
None, the panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO011E
MQCONN unsuccessful. Reason code=mqrc.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to connect to a queue manager or queue sharing group was unsuccessful for one of the
following reasons:
- Insufficient storage is available
- A severe error has occurred
- System action
None, the panel is redisplayed.
- System programmer response
Refer to API completion and reason codes for information about mqrc.
- CSQO012I
Connect name is invalid or unknown.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to connect to a queue manager or queue sharing group was unsuccessful because the name specified is not known, or not valid. If a blank name was specified, this means that there was no default queue manager or group defined for your installation.
- System action
None, the panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO013I
Not authorized to use queue manager.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to connect to a queue manager was unsuccessful because the connection security failed, or you are not authorized to do so.
- System action
None, the panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO014E
MQOPEN of q-name unsuccessful. Reason code=mqrc.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to open q-name was unsuccessful. mqrc is the
reason code returned by MQOPEN; seeAPI completion and reason codes
for more information. q-name is one of the following:
- SYSTEM.COMMAND.REPLY.MODEL; the requested dynamic queue name is appended in parentheses.
- The name of a transmission queue (if you are attempting to send commands to a remote system)
- One or both of the required queues is not defined on the queue manager that we have connected to.
- An attempt was made to send commands to a remote system, but no transport queue is defined.
- You are not authorized to open one of the required queues. If the message indicates that it is the SYSTEM.COMMAND.REPLY.MODEL queue that you are not authorized to open, it could be that you are not authorized to open the SYSTEM.CSQOREXX.* dynamic queue.
- There is insufficient storage available.
- System action
The main menu is redisplayed.
- CSQO015E
Command issued but no reply received.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The reply to a command could not be retrieved from the reply-to queue using MQGET because the response wait time was exceeded.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed. The command was sent to the queue manager, but it might not have been executed successfully.
- CSQO016E
MQPUT to q-name unsuccessful. Reason code=mqrc.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to put a command on a queue (q-name) using MQPUT was unsuccessful. q-name is the name of either the system-command input queue, or a transmission queue if you are sending commands to a remote queue manager. mqrc is the reason code returned from MQPUT; see API completion and reason codes for more information.
The most likely causes of this problem are:- Put requests are inhibited for the system-command input queue or the transmission queue.
- The system-command input queue or transmission queue is full, because the command server is not running.
- There is insufficient storage available.
- System action
The command is not sent to the queue manager and the panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO017E
MQGET from reply-q unsuccessful. Reason code=mqrc.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The reply to a command could not be retrieved from the reply-to queue using MQGET. (The reply-to queue is a local queue generated from the model queue SYSTEM.COMMAND.REPLY.MODEL.) mqrc is the reason code returned from MQGET; see API completion and reason codes for more information.
A possible cause of this problem is that get requests are inhibited on the reply-to queue.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed. The command was sent to the queue manager, but it might not have been executed successfully.
- CSQO018E
Queue manager is invalid or unknown or unavailable.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An attempt to send a command was unsuccessful because the target or action queue manager was not known or not valid or not running.
- System action
The command is not sent the queue manager and the panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO019E
Queue manager is no longer available.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The queue manager that you were using is no longer running. The action that you requested might not have been actioned.
- System action
The main menu is redisplayed.
- CSQO020I
'field' truncated due to quotes. Press Enter to continue.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The value in field field contains one or more quotation marks. In order that these are treated as quotation marks instead of indicators of the beginning or end of a string, each quotation mark is converted into two quotation marks (doubling up) in the command for the queue manager. However, this conversion has made the string too long, and it has been truncated.
- System action
The value is truncated. The panel may be displayed again with field-name set to the truncated value.
- CSQO021I
Generic name not allowed.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
You entered a name ending with an asterisk, but generic names are only allowed on the Main Menu panel.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO022I
Filter value invalid.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
You asked to list objects with filtering, but the value entered for the attribute to be used was invalid.
- System action
The main menu panel or an empty list panel is displayed.
- CSQO023I
Command command not recognized.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The command entered in the panel command area (or using a function key) is not valid.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO025I
There are no messages to view.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The MSGVIEW panel command was entered in the command area, or the messages function key was pressed, but there are no messages from the queue manager to view.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO027I
Function function not allowed for object type object-type.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The function number that you entered is not allowed for object-type objects.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO028I
One of 'field1' or 'field2' but not both must be supplied.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
Nothing was entered in the two named fields, or something was entered in both of them. Either one or the other must have a value.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO029I
Command exceeds maximum allowable length of 32762 bytes.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
While defining or altering a namelist, too many names are added causing the necessary command to exceed the maximum allowable length.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO030I
No objects of type objtype match name.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to display or list the objects of type objtype and name name, but no matching objects were found.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO031E
ALLOCATE of data set dsname unsuccessful. Return code = rc.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An ALLOCATE error occurred when processing the data set allocated during an attempt to edit the names in a namelist. dsname is the name of the data set, and is of the form userid.NAMELIST.NAMESn (where userid is the TSO userid involved, and n is a number). rc is the return code from the TSO command ALLOCATE.
The most likely cause of this problem is that another data set with the same name already exists, or that DDname CSQONLn is in use.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- System programmer response
This message will be accompanied by one or more messages from TSO, giving more information about the cause of the problem. The return code is documented in the TSO/E Command Reference manual.
If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM® support center.
- CSQO032E
Serious error returned. Press F10 to view.
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
A command was sent to the queue manager, but message CSQN205I was received in reply, indicating a severe error.
- System action
Message CSQN205I is saved. The current panel is redisplayed.
- System programmer response
Look up message CSQN205I and take the appropriate action.
- CSQO033E
Format of first reply not recognized. Press F10 to view.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A command was sent to the queue manager, but the first reply message received is not CSQN205I.
- System action
The messages received are saved. If it is not possible to continue, the current panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO034E
Reply format not recognized. Press F10 to view.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
A command was sent to the queue manager. The first reply message received was CSQN205I as expected, but a subsequent message was not as expected.
- System action
The message that caused the problem, and any subsequent messages are saved. If it is not possible to continue, the current panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO035E
Unable to get storage (return code = rc).
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
An attempt to get storage was unsuccessful.
- System action
The system is unable to acquire enough storage.
- System programmer response
Determine why there was insufficient storage available to satisfy the request.
- CSQO036I
List is not filtered.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked for a secondary list from a list that was filtered (for example, status from a list of queues or channels). The filter condition is not applied to the secondary list; all items that match the originally requested name, type, and disposition are included.
- CSQO037I
Locally-defined channel will be used.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
You selected an action from the List Cluster queue manager Channels panel for an auto-defined cluster channel, but there is a locally-defined channel of the same name. In such a case, if you decide to take the action, it will be performed against the locally-defined channel instead.
- System action
The action panel is displayed.
- CSQO038I
Function is recursive.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The function you requested would cause recursion; that is, it would take you to a panel that you have previously come from. This is not allowed.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO039E
EDIT of data set dsname failed. Return code = rc.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
An EDIT error occurred when processing the data set allocated during an attempt to edit the names in a namelist. dsname is the name of the data set, and is of the form userid.NAMELIST.NAMESn (where userid is the TSO userid involved, and n is a number). rc is the return code from the ISPF command EDIT.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- System programmer response
This message will be accompanied by one or more messages from TSO, giving more information about the cause of the problem. The return code is documented in the TSO/E Command Reference manual.
If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact your IBM support center.
- CSQO040I
No open queues with disposition disptype match name.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to list the open queues with disposition (or dispositions) disptype and name name, but no matching objects were found.
- System action
The empty list panel is displayed.
- CSQO041I
Action requires a specific object type.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
A define request was issued for object type QUEUE or CHANNEL.
- System action
The secondary window or main panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO042I
On the first panel.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A function key was pressed that requests scrolling back to the previous panel, but the first panel is already being displayed.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO043I
On the last panel.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
A function key was pressed that requests scrolling forward to the next panel, but the last panel is already being displayed.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO044I
Function not available for objects with type objtype.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The function you requested (for example, status or cluster information) is not available for objects with type objtype.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO045I
Name too long for object type type.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
You specified a name that was longer than 20 characters for a channel object or longer than 16 characters for a connection object or longer than 8 characters or longer than 12 characters for a CF structure object or longer than 8 characters for a storage class object.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO046I
No channels with saved status for name.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to list the saved status for channel name, but there was none.
- System action
The empty list panel is displayed.
- CSQO047I
No current channels for name.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to list the current instances for channel name, but there were none.
- System action
The empty list panel is displayed.
- CSQO048I
Channel initiator is not active.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The action you requested needs the channel initiator to be active on the action queue manager, but it is not.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO049I
EXEC cannot be invoked as a TSO command.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
An attempt was made to issue one of the Operations and Control execs as a TSO command.
- System action
The request is ignored.
- System programmer response
Use CSQOREXX to invoke the Operations and Control panels.
- CSQO050I
No objects of type objtype disposition disptype match name.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to display or list the objects of type objtype, with disposition (or dispositions) disptype and name name, but no matching objects were found.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed or the empty list panel is displayed.
- CSQO051I
Like object name with disposition disptype not found. Name assumed to be for defining new object with default attributes.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to define an object of type objtype, using as a basis an object with disposition disptype and name name, but no such object was found.
(In earlier releases, you could specify the name of a new object to define on the Main Menu panel, and a 'like' name to use as a basis for your definition. Now, only the 'like' name can be specified for Define on the Main Menu panel; you specify the new object name on the Define panel.)
- System action
The Define panel is displayed, initialized with the name you specified and the default attributes for that type of object, on the assumption that you intended to define a new object with default attributes.
- CSQO052I
Queue manager names changed because connect name changed.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The Connect name field was changed but the Target queue manager field was not, and the new connect name was different from the target queue manager name. It is assumed we have forgotten to change the target queue manager.
- System action
The target queue manager is changed to the queue manager you are connected to; the action queue manager might also be changed. The 'Queue Manager Names' secondary window is displayed, showing the new names that will be used.
- CSQO053I
Blank connect or queue manager names specified.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
One or more of Connect name, Target queue manager, or Action queue manager fields was blank, specifying that the default name should be used.
- System action
The Queue Manager Names secondary window is displayed, showing the actual names that will be used.
- CSQO054I
Function not available for objects with disposition disptype.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The function you requested (for example, status or cluster information) is not available for objects with disposition (or dispositions) disptype.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO055I
Connect name is a queue sharing group.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The Connect name field specified the name of a queue sharing group, to connect to any queue manager in the group.
- System action
The Queue Manager Names secondary window is displayed, showing the queue manager you are connected to.
- CSQO056I
Queue sharing group is needed.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
The action you requested needs the queue manager to be part of a queue sharing group, but it is not.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO057I
Function function is not allowed for disposition disposition.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The function number that you entered is not allowed with the specified disposition. This is the disposition of the object you are working with if you are using the Manage action, or the disposition you chose if you are performing a channel function.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO058I
Action action is not allowed for channels with disposition disposition.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The action number that you entered is not allowed for channel objects with the specified disposition.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO059I
Disposition disposition is not allowed for object type object-type.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The disposition that you entered is not allowed for object-type objects.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO060I
Platform for target queue manager qmgr-name is not z/OS® or OS/390®.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The target queue manager is running on a plaform that is not z/OS or OS/390. With such a queue manager, it is likely that actions will work only partially, incorrectly, or not at all, and that the replies from the queue manager will not be recognized.
- System action
The Confirm Target Queue Manager secondary window is displayed.
- CSQO061I
Target queue manager qmgr-name command level is not supported.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The target queue manager has a command level which is not one of those supported by the Operations and Control panels. With such a queue manager, it is likely that actions will work only partially, incorrectly, or not at all, and that the replies from the queue manager will not be recognized.
- System action
The Confirm Target Queue Manager secondary window is displayed.
- CSQO062I
Action queue manager qmgr-name command level is not the current level.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The action queue manager has a command level which is not the current level supported by the Operations and Control panels. If an action is directed to such a queue manager most actions will work, but some fields will be ignored; a few objects and actions will be disallowed.
- System action
The Confirm Action Queue Manager secondary window is displayed.
- CSQO063I
Command level of some queue managers in the queue sharing group is not the current level.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The action queue manager is * and one or more queue managers in the queue sharing group has a command level which is not the current level supported by the Operations and Control panels. If an action is directed to such a queue manager or to all queue managers in the queue sharing group, most actions will work, but some fields will be ignored; a few objects and actions will be disallowed.
- System action
The Confirm Action Queue Manager secondary window is displayed.
- CSQO064I
Object type object-type is not allowed with command level of action or target queue manager.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The action or target queue manager has a command level which does not support object-type objects.
- System action
The 'Confirm Action Queue Manager' secondary window is displayed.
- CSQO065I
Object name name is invalid.
- Severity
- 8
- Explanation
The value entered in the Name field was invalid.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO066I
No status of this type for CF structures matching name.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to list status for CF structures with name name, but there were none with status of that type.
- System action
The empty list panel is displayed.
- CSQO067I
Some channel initiators not active in queue sharing group. List may be incomplete.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The action you requested requires information from the channel initiators on all the queue managers in the queue sharing group, but some of those channel initiators are not active. The information might therefore be incomplete.
- System action
The list panel is displayed, but might be incomplete.
- CSQO068I
No channel initiators active in queue sharing group.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The action you requested requires information from the channel initiators on all the queue managers in the queue sharing group, but none of those channel initiators are active. No information can therefore be displayed.
- System action
The empty list panel is displayed.
- CSQO069I
Action or function or object type is not allowed because of queue manager command level.
- Severity
- 4
- Explanation
The action queue manager has a command level which is not the current level supported by the Operations and Control panels. The action, function, or object type you chose is not allowed at that command level.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO070I
No field value supplied.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to list objects with filtering, but no value was entered into any of the fields on the filter panels. A value must be entered into one (and only one) field to specify the filtering you want.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO071I
More than one field value supplied.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to list objects with filtering, but a value was entered into more than one of the fields on the filter panels. Only one field value may be entered to specify the filtering you want.
- System action
The panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO072I
No current channels for name match filter condition.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to list the current instances for channel name with a filter condition, but there were none that satisfied the condition.
- System action
The empty list panel is displayed.
- CSQO073I
No channels with saved status for name match filter condition.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to list the saved status for channel name with a filter condition, but there were none with saved status that satisfied the condition.
- System action
The empty list panel is displayed.
- CSQO074I
No objects of type objtype match name and filter condition.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to display or list the objects of type objtype and name name, with a filter condition, but no matching objects were found that satisfied the condition.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed.
- CSQO075I
No objects of type objtype disposition disptype match name and filter condition.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to display or list the objects of type objtype, with disposition (or dispositions) disptype and name name, with a filter condition, but no matching objects were found that satisfied the condition.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed or the empty list panel is displayed.
- CSQO076I
No connections match name.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to list connections with name name, but there were none.
- System action
The empty list panel is displayed.
- CSQO077I
No open handles for connection name match name.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to list the open handles for the connection name, but no such handles were found.
- System action
The empty list panel is displayed.
- CSQO078I
No connections match name and filter condition.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to list connections with name name, but there were none that satisfied the condition.
- System action
The empty list panel is displayed.
- CSQO079I
No open queues with disposition disptype match name and filter condition.
- Severity
- 0
- Explanation
You asked to list the open queues with disposition (or dispositions) disptype and name name with a filter condition, but no matching objects were found that satisfied the condition.
- System action
The empty list panel is displayed.
- CSQO085E
Error in pgm-name. TBCREATE table-name failed, return code = rc.
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
An attempt by pgm-name to call the ISPF TBCREATE service was unsuccessful. table-name is the name of the table that pgm-name was attempting to create.
- System action
An internal error has occurred. The current panel is redisplayed. An ISPF message giving more details about the error might be shown first.
- System programmer response
An internal error has occurred, note the message number and the values contained in it, together with any associated ISPF message, and contact your IBM support center to report the problem.
- CSQO086E
Error in pgm-name. TBDISPL panel-name failed, return code = rc.
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
An attempt by pgm-name to call the ISPF TBDISPL service was unsuccessful. panel-name is the name of the panel that pgm-name was attempting to display.
- System action
The system is unable to display the panel, and the last panel is redisplayed (if applicable). An ISPF message giving more details about the error might be shown first.
- System programmer response
If rc=12, the system is unable to find the panel. If you receive this message when you are trying to display the 'Main Menu' panel it could be that we do not have the data set containing the panels in your library concatenation. Find the name of the data set containing the panels, then check your ISPPLIB library definitions. This will probably be in your TSO logon procedure unless you are calling CSQOREXX from a higher level exec or CLIST that has the ISPF LIBDEF calls in it.
If you are already using the panels when you get this message, either a panel is missing from your ISPPLIB library, or an internal error has occurred. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center for assistance.
If rc=20, the most likely cause of the problem is that the system was unable to find the key-list which goes with the panel that it is trying to display. All the key lists are in an ISPF table (CSQOKEYS) that should be in a library in your ISPTLIB concatenation.
- CSQO087E
Error in pgm-name. SELECT program failed, return code = rc.
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
An attempt by pgm-name to call the ISPF SELECT service was unsuccessful. program is the name of the program that pgm-name was attempting to select.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed. An ISPF message giving more details about the error might be shown first.
- System programmer response
The system is unable to find a load module. Check your ISPLLIB library concatenation.
- CSQO088E
Error in pgm-name. DISPLAY panel-name failed, return code = rc.
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
An attempt by pgm-name to call the ISPF DISPLAY service was unsuccessful. panel-name is the name of the panel that pgm-name was attempting to display.
- System action
The system is unable to display the panel, and the last panel is redisplayed (if applicable). An ISPF message giving more details about the error might be shown first.
- System programmer response
If rc=12, the system is unable to find the panel. If you receive this message when you are trying to display the 'Main Menu' panel it could be that we do not have the data set containing the panels in your library concatenation. Find the name of the data set containing the panels, then check your ISPPLIB library definitions. This will probably be in your TSO logon procedure unless you are calling CSQOREXX from a higher level exec or CLIST that has the ISPF LIBDEF calls in it.
If you are already using the panels when you get this message, either a panel is missing from your ISPPLIB library, or an internal error has occurred. If you are unable to solve the problem, contact your IBM support center for assistance.
If rc=20, the most likely cause of the problem is that the system was unable to find the key-list which goes with the panel that it is trying to display. All the key lists are in an ISPF table (CSQOKEYS) that should be in a library in your ISPTLIB concatenation.
- CSQO089E
Error in pgm-name. service failed, return code = rc.
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
An attempt by pgm-name to call the ISPF service (service) was unsuccessful.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed. An ISPF message giving more details about the error might be shown first.
- System programmer response
- service=VDEFINE, VPUT, or TBADD
- An internal error has occurred, note the message number and the values contained in it, and contact your IBM support center for assistance.
If service is anything else, note the message number and the values contained in it, together with any associated ISPF message, and contact your IBM support center to report the problem.
- CSQO090E
Internal error in program. Action field is not valid.
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred.
- System action
The current panel is redisplayed.
- System programmer response
Collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center:
- The number of the message, and the value of program
- The name of the panel involved
- A description of the actions that led to the problem
- CSQO091E
Internal error in program. Object field is not valid.
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred.
- System action
The last panel is redisplayed.
- System programmer response
Collect the following items, and contact your IBM
support center:
- The number of the message, and the value of program
- The name of the panel involved
- A description of the actions that led to the problem
- CSQO092E
Internal error in program. Error in reply translation.
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred.
- System action
The last panel is redisplayed.
- System programmer response
Collect the following items, and contact your IBM
support center:
- The number of the message, and the value of program
- The name of the panel involved
- A description of the actions that led to the problem
- CSQO093E
Internal error in program. Command request is not valid.
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred.
- System action
The last panel is redisplayed.
- System programmer response
Collect the following items, and contact your IBM support center:
- The number of the message, and the value of program
- The name of the panel involved
- A description of the actions that led to the problem
- CSQO095E
Internal error in program. service failed, return code = rc.
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred.
- System action
The last panel is redisplayed.
- System programmer response
Collect the following items, and contact your IBM
support center:
- The number of the message, and the values of program and service
- The name of the panel involved
- A description of the actions that led to the problem
- Any associated ISPF message shown
- CSQO096E
Internal error in program. att-name not in keyword table.
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred.
- System action
The last panel is redisplayed.
- System programmer response
Collect the following items, and contact your IBM
support center:
- The number of the message, and the values of program and att-name
- The name of the panel involved
- A description of the actions that led to the problem
- CSQO097E
Internal error in program. No handle for required system queue.
- Severity
- 12
- Explanation
An internal error has occurred.
- System action
The last panel is redisplayed.
- System programmer response
Collect the following items, and contact your IBM
support center:
- The number of the message
- The name of the panel involved
- A description of the actions that led to the problem