When creating temporary topics, JMS generates a topic string of the form ''TEMP /TEMPTOPICPREFIX/unique_id '', or if this property is left with the default value, just ''TEMP /unique_id ''. Specifying a non-empty TEMPTOPICPREFIX allows specific model queues to be defined for creating the managed queues for subscribers to temporary topics created under this connection.

Applicable Objects

ConnectionFactory, TopicConnectionFactory, XAConnectionFactory, XATopicConnectionFactory

JMS administration tool long name: TEMPTOPICPREFIX

JMS administration tool short name: TTP

Programmatic access


  • MQConnectionFactory.setTempTopicPrefix()
  • MQConnectionFactory.getTempTopicPrefix()


Any non-null string consisting only of valid characters for an IBM MQ topic string. The default value is '' '' (empty string).