ImqReferenceHeader C++ class

This class encapsulates features of the MQRMH data structure.

Figure 1. ImqReferenceHeader class

This class relates to the MQI calls listed in ImqReferenceHeader cross-reference.

Object attributes

    destination environment
    Environment for the destination. The initial value is a null string.

    destination name
    Name of the data destination. The initial value is a null string.

    instance id
    Instance identifier. A binary value (MQBYTE24) of length MQ_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID_LENGTH. The initial value is MQOII_NONE.

    logical length
    Logical, or intended, length of message data that follows this header. The initial value is zero.

    logical offset
    Logical offset for the message data that follows, to be interpreted in the context of the data as a whole, at the ultimate destination. The initial value is zero.

    logical offset 2
    High-order extension to the logical offset. The initial value is zero.

    reference type
    Reference type. The initial value is a null string.

    source environment
    Environment for the source. The initial value is a null string.

    source name
    Name of the data source. The initial value is a null string.


    ImqReferenceHeader( );
    The default constructor.

    ImqReferenceHeader( const ImqReferenceHeader & header );
    The copy constructor.

Overloaded ImqItem methods

    virtual ImqBoolean copyOut ( ImqMessage & msg );
    Inserts an MQRMH data structure into the message buffer at the beginning, moving existing message data further along, and sets the msg format to MQFMT_REF_MSG_HEADER.

    See the ImqHeader class method description on ImqHeader C++ class for further details.

    virtual ImqBoolean pasteIn ( ImqMessage & msg );
    Reads an MQRMH data structure from the message buffer.

    To be successful, the ImqMessage format must be MQFMT_REF_MSG_HEADER.

    See the ImqHeader class method description on ImqHeader C++ class for further details.

Object methods (public)

    void operator = ( const ImqReferenceHeader & header );
    Copies instance data from header, replacing the existing instance data.

    ImqString destinationEnvironment ( ) const ;
    Returns a copy of the destination environment.

    void setDestinationEnvironment ( const char * environment = 0 );
    Sets the destination environment.

    ImqString destinationName ( ) const ;
    Returns a copy of the destination name.

    void setDestinationName ( const char * name = 0 );
    Sets the destination name.

    ImqBinary instanceId ( ) const ;
    Returns a copy of the instance id.

    ImqBoolean setInstanceId ( const ImqBinary & id );
    Sets the instance id. The data length of token must be either 0 or MQ_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID_LENGTH. This method returns TRUE if successful.

    void setInstanceId ( const MQBYTE24 id = 0 );
    Sets the instance id. id can be zero, which is the same as specifying MQOII_NONE. If id is nonzero, it must address MQ_OBJECT_INSTANCE_ID_LENGTH bytes of binary data. When using pre-defined values such as MQOII_NONE, you might need to make a cast to ensure a signature match, for example (MQBYTE *)MQOII_NONE.

    MQLONG logicalLength ( ) const ;
    Returns the logical length.

    void setLogicalLength ( const MQLONG length );
    Sets the logical length.

    MQLONG logicalOffset ( ) const ;
    Returns the logical offset.

    void setLogicalOffset ( const MQLONG offset );
    Sets the logical offset.

    MQLONG logicalOffset2 ( ) const ;
    Returns the logical offset 2.

    void setLogicalOffset2 ( const MQLONG offset );
    Sets the logical offset 2.

    ImqString referenceType ( ) const ;
    Returns a copy of the reference type.

    void setReferenceType ( const char * name = 0 );
    Sets the reference type.

    ImqString sourceEnvironment ( ) const ;
    Returns a copy of the source environment.

    void setSourceEnvironment ( const char * environment = 0 );
    Sets the source environment.

    ImqString sourceName ( ) const ;
    Returns a copy of the source name.

    void setSourceName ( const char * name = 0 );
    Sets the source name.

Object data (protected)

    MQRMH omqrmh
    The MQRMH data structure.

Reason codes