ImqAuthenticationRecord C++ class

This class encapsulates an authentication information record (MQAIR) for use during execution of the ImqQueueManager::connect method, for custom TLS client connections.

Figure 1. ImqAuthenticationRecord class

See the description of the ImqQueueManager::connect method for more details. This class is not available on the z/OSĀ® platform.

Object attributes

    connection name
    The name of the connection to the LDAP CRL server. This is the IP address or DNS name, followed optionally by the port number, in parentheses.

    connection reference
    A reference to an ImqQueueManager object that provides the required connection to a (local) queue manager. The initial value is zero. Do not confuse this with the queue manager name that identifies a queue manager (possibly remote) for a named queue.

    next authentication record
    Next object of this class, in no particular order, having the same connection reference as this object. The initial value is zero.

    A password supplied for connection authentication to the LDAP CRL server.

    previous authentication record
    Previous object of this class, in no particular order, having the same connection reference as this object. The initial value is zero.

    The type of authentication information contained in the record.

    user name
    A user identifier supplied for authorization to the LDAP CRL server.


    ImqAuthenticationRecord( );
    The default constructor.

Object methods (public)

    void operator = ( const ImqAuthenticationRecord & air );
    Copies instance data from air, replacing the existing instance data.

    const ImqString & connectionName ( ) const ;
    Returns the connection name.

    void setConnectionName ( const ImqString & name );
    Sets the connection name.

    void setConnectionName ( const char * name = 0 );
    Sets the connection name.

    ImqQueueManager * connectionReference ( ) const ;
    Returns the connection reference.

    void setConnectionReference ( ImqQueueManager & manager );
    Sets the connection reference.

    void setConnectionReference ( ImqQueueManager * manager = 0 );
    Sets the connection reference.

    void copyOut ( MQAIR * pAir );
    Copies instance data to pAir, replacing the existing instance data. This might involve allocating dependent storage.

    void clear ( MQAIR * pAir );
    Clears the structure and releases dependent storage referenced by pAir.

    ImqAuthenticationRecord * nextAuthenticationRecord ( ) const ;
    Returns the next authentication record.

    const ImqString & password ( ) const ;
    Returns the password.

    void setPassword ( const ImqString & password );
    Sets the password.

    void setPassword ( const char * password = 0 );
    Sets the password.

    ImqAuthenticationRecord * previousAuthenticationRecord ( ) const ;
    Returns the previous authentication record.

    MQLONG type ( ) const ;
    Returns the type.

    void setType ( const MQLONG type );
    Sets the type.

    const ImqString & userName ( ) const ;
    Returns the user name.

    void setUserName ( const ImqString & name );
    Sets the user name.

    void setUserName ( const char * name = 0 );
    Sets the user name.

Object methods (protected)

    void setNextAuthenticationRecord ( ImqAuthenticationRecord * pAir = 0 );
    Sets the next authentication record.

    Attention: Use this function only if you are sure that it will not break the authentication record list.

    void setPreviousAuthenticationRecord ( ImqAuthenticationRecord * pAir = 0 );
    Sets the previous authentication record.

    Attention: Use this function only if you are sure that it will not break the authentication record list.