HTTP return codes
List of return codes from the IBM MQ bridge for HTTP
The IBM MQ bridge for HTTP returns four types of error:
- Servlet errors
- MQHTTP0001 and MQHTTP0002 are servlet errors. They are logged, but not returned to the HTTP client.
- Successful operations
- An HTTP status code in the range 200 - 299 indicates a successful operation.
- Client errors
- An HTTP status code in the range 400 - 499 indicates a client error. IBM MQ Bridge for HTTP return codes in the range MQHTTP40001 - MQHTTP49999 correspond to client errors.
- Server errors
An HTTP status code in the range 500 - 599 indicates a client error. IBM MQ Bridge for HTTP return codes in the range MQHTTP50001 - MQHTTP59999 correspond to server errors.
If a server error occurs, a complete stack trace is output to the application server error log. The stack trace is also returned to the HTTP client in the HTTP response. Handle the stack trace in the client application or refer it to the application server administrator to resolve the problem.
If the stack trace contains resource adapter errors, refer to the documentation for your resource adapter.