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MQZ_SET_AUTHORITY - Set authority

This function is provided by a MQZAS_VERSION_1 authorization service component, and is started by the queue manager to set the authority that an entity has to access the specified object.

The function identifier for this function (for MQZEP) is MQZID_SET_AUTHORITY.

Note: This function overrides any existing authorities. To preserve any existing authorities you must set them again with this function.


MQZ_SET_AUTHORITY( QMgrName , EntityName , EntityType , ObjectName , ObjectType , Authority , ComponentData , Continuation , CompCode , Reason )


C invocation

MQZ_SET_AUTHORITY (QMgrName, EntityName, EntityType, ObjectName,
                  ObjectType, Authority, ComponentData,
                  &Continuation, &CompCode, &Reason);
The parameters passed to the service are declared as follows:
MQCHAR48  QMgrName;          /* Queue manager name */
MQCHAR12  EntityName;        /* Entity name */
MQLONG    EntityType;        /* Entity type */
MQCHAR48  ObjectName;        /* Object name */
MQLONG    ObjectType;        /* Object type */
MQLONG    Authority;         /* Authority to be checked */
MQBYTE    ComponentData[n];  /* Component data */
MQLONG    Continuation;      /* Continuation indicator set by
                                component */
MQLONG    CompCode;          /* Completion code */
MQLONG    Reason;            /* Reason code qualifying CompCode */