Exit failure

If an exit function abnormally terminates after a destructive, out of syncpoint, MQGET call but before the message has been passed to the application, the exit handler can recover from the failure, and pass control to the application.

In this case, the message might be lost. This is like what happens when an application fails immediately after receiving a message from a queue.

The MQGET call might complete with MQCC_FAILED and MQRC_API_EXIT_ERROR.

If a before API call exit function terminates abnormally, the exit handler can recover from the failure and pass control to the application without processing the API call. In this event, the exit function must recover any resources that it owns.

If chained exits are in use, the after API call exits for any before API call exits that had successfully been driven can themselves be driven. The API call might fail with MQCC_FAILED and MQRC_API_EXIT_ERROR.