MQ_CMIT_EXIT provides a commit exit function to perform before and after commit processing. Use function identifier MQXF_CMIT with exit reasons MQXR_BEFORE and MQXR_AFTER to register before and after commit call exit functions.

If a commit operation fails, and the transaction is backed out, the MQCMIT call fails with MQCC_WARNING and MQRC_BACKED_OUT. These return and reason codes are passed into any after MQCMIT exit functions to give the exit functions an indication that the unit of work has been backed out.

The interface to this function is:
MQ_CMIT_EXIT (&ExitParms, &ExitContext, &Hconn, &CompCode, &Reason)
where the parameters are:

    ExitParms (MQAXP) - input/output
    Exit parameter structure.

    ExitContext (MQAXC) - input/output
    Exit context structure.

    Hconn (MQHCONN) - input
    Connection handle.

    CompCode (MQLONG) - input/output
    Completion code, valid values for which are:

      Successful completion.

      Partial completion.

      Call failed

    Reason (MQLONG) - input/output
    Reason code qualifying the completion code. If the completion code is MQCC_OK, the only valid value is:

      (0, x'000') No reason to report.

    If the completion code is MQCC_FAILED or MQCC_WARNING, the exit function can set the reason code field to any valid MQRC_* value.

C language invocation

The queue manager logically defines the following variables:
        MQAXP    ExitParms;      /* Exit parameter structure */
        MQAXC    ExitContext;    /* Exit context structure */
        MQHCONN  Hconn;          /* Connection handle */
        MQLONG   CompCode;       /* Completion code */
        MQLONG   Reason;         /* Reason code qualifying completion code */
The queue manager then logically calls the exit as follows:
MQ_CMIT_EXIT (&ExitParms, &ExitContext,&Hconn, &CompCode, &Reason);
Your exit must match the following C function prototype:
PMQAXP    pExitParms,       /* Address of exit parameter structure */
PMQAXC    pExitContext,     /* Address of exit context structure */
PMQHCONN  pHconn,           /* Address of connection handle */
PMQLONG   pCompCode,        /* Address of completion code */
PMQLONG   pReason);         /* Address of reason code qualifying completion
                               code */

Usage notes

  1. The MQ_GET_EXIT function interface described here is used for both the MQXF_GET exit function and the MQXF_DATA_CONV_ON_GET exit function.

    Separate entry points are defined for these two exit functions, so to intercept both the MQXEP call must be used twice; for this call use function identifier MQXF_GET.

    Because the MQ_GET_EXIT interface is the same for MQXF_GET and MQXF_DATA_CONV_ON_GET, a single exit function can be used for both; the Function field in the MQAXP structure indicates which exit function has been invoked. Alternatively, the MQXEP call can be used to register different exit functions for the two cases.