HeaderLength (MQLONG)
This field specifies the length of header information.
This field is relevant only for a message exit and a message-retry exit. The value is the length of the routing header structures at the start of the message data; these are the MQXQH structure, the MQMDE (message description extension header), and (for a distribution-list message) the MQDH structure and arrays of MQOR and MQPMR records that follow the MQXQH structure.
The message exit can examine this header information, and modify it if necessary, but the data that the exit returns must still be in the correct format. The exit must not, for example, encrypt or compress the header data at the sending end, even if the message exit at the receiving end makes compensating changes.
If the message exit modifies the header information in such a way as to change its length (for example, by adding another destination to a distribution-list message), it must change the value of HeaderLength correspondingly before returning.
This is an input/output field to the exit. The value in this field is not meaningful if ExitReason is MQXR_INIT. The field is not present if Version is less than MQCXP_VERSION_3.