W3C SOAP over JMS URI for the IBM MQ Axis 2 client
Define a W3C SOAP over JMS URI to call a web service from an Axis 2 client using IBM MQ JMS as the SOAP transport. The web service must be provided by a server that supports IBM MQ JMS and the W3C SOAP over JMS candidate recommendation for the SOAP/JMS binding.
Use the syntax diagram to create W3C SOAP over JMS URIs that are syntactically correct, and are accepted by the IBM MQ Axis 2 client. It is limited to defining the URI that is accepted by the IBM MQ Axis 2 client. It is a subset of the W3C recommendation in two respects:
The jms-variant topic is not supported, and must not be specified in a URI passed to the IBM MQ Axis 2 client.
The following properties are omitted from the syntax diagram because they are JMS properties, and not part of the URI.
The JMS properties are set by the Axis 2 client or the server.
The diagram extends the W3C recommendation by defining a custom parameter, connectionFactory. connectionFactory is used as an alternative to JNDI to specify how the Axis 2 client connects to a queue manager using a queue.
The IBM MQ Axis 2 client only accepts properties as part of the URI passed to the client by the client application or as environment variables. The IBM MQ Axis 2 client has no capability to process a WSDL document. The client application or a development tool might process the WSDL and create the URI to pass to the Axis 2 client. An IBM MQ Axis 2 client application cannot set the JMS message properties directly.
In accordance with the W3C recommendation, all the parameters can be obtained from environment variables. The environment variable names are formed by prefacing the parameter name with soapjms_. The syntax is: soapjms_parameterName ; for example,
set soapjms_targetServer=com.example.org.stockquote
a parameter is set using an environment variable it overrides the
value set in the URI.
In accordance with the W3C recommendation, all the parameters can be repeated. The last instance of a parameter is used, unless overridden by an environment variable.
Other propertiesJNDI propertiesConnection factory propertyBindingClient binding propertySSL propertyNotes:
1jndiConnectionFactoryName, jndiConnectionFactoryName and jndiURL are all required parameters. jndi-ContextParameter is optional.
connectionFactoryParameterList are parameters that qualify how the Axis 2 client connects to a queue manager when the destination variant is queue.
connectionFactory must not be specified with the jndi destination variant.
The parameters are not passed to the server in the request URI.
If connectionFactory is omitted, the queue must belong to a default queue manager running on the same server as the Axis 2 client.
The connectionFactoryParameterList:
binding ( bindingType )
bindingType specifies how the client is connected to qMgrName. The default is auto. bindingType takes the following values:
The sender tries the following connection types, in order:
If other options appropriate to a client connection are specified, the sender uses a client binding. The other options are clientConnection or clientChannel.
Use a server connection.
Use a client connection.
Use binding(auto) in the URI if there is no local queue manager at the SOAP client. A client connection is built for the SOAP client.
Use binding(client) in the URI to build a client configuration for the SOAP sender.
Use binding(server) in the URI to build a server configuration for the SOAP sender. If the connection has client type parameters the connection fails and an error is displayed by the IBM MQ SOAP sender. Client type parameters are clientConnection, clientChannel, or SSL parameters.
xaclient is applicable only on .NET and not for Java clients. Use an XA-client connection.
clientChannel (channel)
The SOAP client uses channel to make an IBM MQ client connection. channel must match the name of a server connection channel, unless channel auto definition is enabled at the server. clientChannel is a required parameter, unless we have provided a Client Connection Definition table (CCDT).
The SOAP client uses connection to make an IBM MQ client connection. The default host name is localhost, and default port is 1414. If connection is a TCP/IP address, it takes one of three formats, and can be suffixed with a port number.
JMS clients can either use the format : hostname:port or 'escape' the brackets using the format %X where X is the hexadecimal value that represents the bracket character in the code page of the URI. For example, in ASCII, %28 and %29 for ( and ) respectively.
.Net clients can use the brackets explicitly : hostname(port) or use the 'escaped' format.
IPv4 address
For example,
IPv6 address
For example, 2001:DB8:0:0:0:0:0:0.
Host name
For example, www.example.com%281687%29, www.example.com:1687, or www.example.com(1687).
sslCipherSuite (CipherSuite)
CipherSuite specifies the sslCipherSuite used on the channel. The CipherSuite specified by the client must match the CipherSuite specified on the server connection channel.
sslFipsRequired (fipsCertified)
fipsCertified specifies whether CipherSpec or CipherSuite must use FIPS-certified cryptography in IBM MQ on the channel. The effect of setting fipsCertified is the same as setting the FipsRequired field of the MQSCO structure on an MQCONNX call.
sslKeyStore (KeyStoreName)
KeyStoreName specifies the sslKeyStoreName used on the channel. The keystore holds the private key of the client used to authenticate the client to the server. The keystore is optional if the TLS connection is configured to accept anonymous client connections.
sslKeyResetCount (bytecount)
bytecount specifies the number of bytes passed across a TLS channel before the TLS secret key must be renegotiated. To disable the renegotiation of TLS keys omit the field or set it to zero. Zero is the only value supported in some environments, see Renegotiating the secret key in IBM MQ classes for Java . The effect of setting sslKeyResetCount is the same as setting the KeyResetCount field in the MQSCO structure on an MQCONNX call.
sslKeyStorePassword (KeyStorePassword)
KeyStorePassword specifies the sslKeyStorePassword used on the channel.
sslLDAPCRLServers (LDAPServerList)
LDAPServerList specifies a list of LDAP servers to be used for Certificate Revocation List checking.
For TLS enabled client connections, LDAPServerList is a list of LDAP servers to be used for Certificate Revocation List (CRL) checking. The certificate provided by the queue manager is checked against one of the listed LDAP CRL servers; if found, the connection fails. Each LDAP server is tried in turn until connectivity is established to one of them. If it is impossible to connect to any of the servers, the certificate is rejected. Once a connection has been successfully established to one of them, the certificate is accepted or rejected depending on the CRLs present on that LDAP server.
If LDAPServerList is blank, the certificate belonging to the queue manager is not checked against a Certificate Revocation List. An error message is displayed if the supplied list of LDAP URIs is not valid. The effect of setting this field is the same as that of including MQAIR records and accessing them from an MQSCO structure on an MQCONNX.
sslPeerName (peerName)
peerName specifies the sslPeerName used on the channel.
sslTrustStore (TrustStoreName)
TrustStoreName specifies the sslTrustStoreName used on the channel. The truststore holds the public certificate of the server, or its key chain, to authenticate the server to the client. The truststore is optional if the root certificate of a certificate authority is used to authenticate the server. In Java, root certificates are held in the JRE certificate store, cacerts.
sslTrustStorePassword (TrustStorePassword)
TrustStorePassword specifies the sslTrustStorePassword used on the channel.
CustomParameter = customParameterValue
CustomParameter is the user-defined name of a custom parameter, and customParameterValue is the value of the parameter.
Custom parameters that are not used by the Axis 2 client are sent by the Axis 2 client to the SOAP server. Consult the server documentation. connectionFactory is a custom parameter that is used by the Axis 2 client and is not passed to the server.
CustomParameter must not match the name of an existing parameter.
If CustomParameter starts with the string jndi- it is used in looking up a JNDI destination; see jndi-.
deliveryMode = deliveryMode
deliveryMode sets the message persistence. The default is PERSISTENT.
jndi : destinationName
destinationName is a JNDI destination name that maps to a JMS queue. If the jndi destination variant is specified, you must provide a destinationName.
jndiConnectionFactoryName = connectionFactoryName
connectionFactoryName sets the JNDI name of the connection factory. If the destination variant is jndi, connectionFactoryName must be provided.
jndiURL sets the URL name of the JNDI provider. If the destination variant is jndi, jndiURL must be specified.
jndi- ContextParameter = contextParameterValue
jndi- ContextParameter is the user-defined name of a custom parameter that used to pass information to the JNDI provider. contextParameterValue is the information that is passed.
priority = priorityValue
priorityValue sets the JMS message priority. 0 is low, 9 is high. The default value is 4.
queue : queueName
queueName is the name of a JMS queue on which the SOAP request is placed. If the queue variant is specified, a queue name must be provided. If the queue does not belong to a default queue manager on the same server as the client, set the connectionFactory parameter.
replyToName = replyToDestination
replyToDestination sets the destination queue name. If the destination variant is jndi, the name is a JNDI name that must map to a queue. If the variant is queue the name is a JMS queue. The default value is SYSTEM.SOAP.RESPONSE.QUEUE.
targetService = serviceName
The name used by the SOAP server to start the target web service.
On Axis, serviceName is the fully qualified name of a Java service, for example: targetService=www.example.org.StockQuote. If targetService is not specified, a service is loaded using the default Axis mechanism.
timeToLive = milliseconds
Set milliseconds to the time before the message expires. The default, 0, is the message never expires.