MQINQ (Inquire about object attributes) on IBM i
The MQINQ call returns an array of integers and a set of character strings containing the attributes of an object.
The following types of object are valid:
- Queue
- Namelist
- Process definition
- Queue manager
Usage notes
- The values returned are a snapshot of the selected attributes. There is no guarantee that the attributes are not changed before the application can act upon the returned values.
- When you open a model queue, a dynamic local queue is created. This is true even if you open the model queue to inquire about its attributes. The attributes of the dynamic queue (with certain exceptions) are the same as those of the model queue at the time the dynamic queue is created. If you then use the MQINQ call on this queue, the queue manager returns the attributes of the dynamic queue, and not those of the model queue. See Table 1 for details of which attributes of the model queue are inherited by the dynamic queue.
- If the object being inquired is an alias queue, the attribute values returned by the MQINQ call are those of the alias queue, and not those of the base queue to which the alias resolves.
- If the object being inquired is a cluster queue, the attributes that can be inquired depend on how the queue is opened:
- If the cluster queue is opened for inquire plus one or more of input, browse, or set, there must be a local instance of the cluster queue in order for the open to succeed. In this case the attributes that can be inquired are those valid for local queues.
- If the cluster queue is opened for inquire alone, or inquire and output, only the following attributes can be inquired; the QType attribute has the value QTCLUS in this case:
If the cluster queue is opened with no fixed binding (that is, OOBNDN specified on the MQOPEN call, or OOBNDQ specified when the DefBind attribute has the value BNDNOT), successive MQINQ calls for the queue might inquire different instances of the cluster queue, although typically all of the instances have the same attribute values.
For more information about cluster queues, see Configure a queue manager cluster.
- If a number of attributes are to be inquired, and then some of them are to be set using the MQSET call, it might be convenient to position at the beginning of the selector arrays the attributes that are to be set, so that the same arrays (with reduced counts) can be used for MQSET.
- If more than one of the warning situations arise (see the CMPCOD parameter), the reason code returned is the first one in the following list that applies:
- RC2068
- RC2022
- RC2008
- For more information about object attributes, see:
- A new local queue SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.EVENT is used for queuing messages that are generated whenever commands are issued. Messages are put onto this queue for most commands, depending on how the CMDEV queue manager attribute is set:
- ENABLED - command event messages are generated and put onto the queue for all successful commands.
- NODISPLAY - command event messages are generated and put onto the queue for all successful commands other than the DISPLAY (MQSC) command, and the Inquire (PCF) command.
- DISABLED - command event messages are not generated (this is the queue manager's initial default value).
The MQINQ call has the following parameters:
- HCONN (10 digit signed integer) - input
Connection handle.
This handle represents the connection to the queue manager. The value of HCONN was returned by a previous MQCONN or MQCONNX call.
- HOBJ (10 digit signed integer) - input
Object handle.
This handle represents the object (of any type) with attributes that are required. The handle must have been returned by a previous MQOPEN call that specified the OOINQ option.
- SELCNT (10 digit signed integer) - input
Count of selectors.
This is the count of selectors that are supplied in the SELS array. It is the number of attributes that are to be returned. Zero is a valid value. The maximum number allowed is 256.
- SELS (10 digit signed integer x SELCNT) - input
Array of attribute selectors.
This is an array of SELCNT attribute selectors; each selector identifies an attribute (integer or character) with a value that is required.
Each selector must be valid for the type of object that HOBJ represents, otherwise the call fails with completion code CCFAIL and reason code RC2067.
In the special case of queues:Selectors can be specified in any order. Attribute values that correspond to integer attribute selectors (IA* selectors) are returned in INTATR in the same order in which these selectors occur in SELS. Attribute values that correspond to character attribute selectors (CA* selectors) are returned in CHRATR in the same order in which those selectors occur. IA* selectors can be interleaved with the CA* selectors; only the relative order within each type is important. Note:
- If the selector is not valid for queues of any type, the call fails with completion code CCFAIL and reason code RC2067.
- If the selector is applicable only to queues of type or types other than that of the object, the call succeeds with completion code CCWARN and reason code RC2068.
- If the queue being inquired is a cluster queue, the selectors that are valid depend on how the queue was resolved; see usage note 4 for further details.
- The integer and character attribute selectors are allocated within two different ranges; the IA* selectors reside within the range IAFRST through IALAST, and the CA* selectors within the range CAFRST through CALAST.
For each range, the constants IALSTU and CALSTU define the highest value that the queue manager accepts.
- If all the IA* selectors occur first, the same element numbers can be used to address corresponding elements in the SELS and INTATR arrays.
The attributes that can be inquired are listed in the following tables. For the CA* selectors, the constant that defines the length in bytes of the resulting string in CHRATR is given in parentheses.
Table 1. MQINQ attribute selectors for queues. See the bottom of the table for an explanation of the notes.
Selector Description Note CAALTD Date of most recent alteration (LNDATE). 1 CAALTT Time of most recent alteration (LNTIME). 1 CABRQN Excessive backout-requeue name (LNQN). 5 CABASQ Name of queue that alias resolves to (LNQN). CACFSN Coupling-facility structure name (LNCFSN). 3 CACLN Cluster name (LNCLUN). 1 CACLNL Cluster namelist (LNNLN). 1 CACRTD Queue creation date (LNCRTD). CACRTT Queue creation time (LNCRTT). CAINIQ Initiation queue name (LNQN). CAPRON Name of process definition (LNPRON). CAQD Queue description (LNQD). CAQN Queue name (LNQN). CARQMN Name of remote queue manager (LNQMN). CARQN Name of remote queue as known on remote queue manager (LNQN). CATRGD Trigger data (LNTRGD). 5 CAXQN Transmission queue name (LNQN). IABTHR Backout threshold. 5 IACDEP Number of messages on queue. IADBND Default binding. 1 IADINP Default open-for-input option. 5 IADPER Default message persistence. IADPRI Default message priority. 5 IADEFT Queue definition type. IADIST Distribution list support. 2 IAHGB Whether to harden backout count. 5 IAIGET Whether get operations are allowed. IAIPUT Whether put operations are allowed. IAMLEN Maximum message length. IAMDEP Maximum number of messages allowed on queue. IAMDS Whether message priority is relevant. 5 IAOIC Number of MQOPEN calls that have the queue open for input. IAOOC Number of MQOPEN calls that have the queue open for output. IAQDHE Control attribute for queue depth high events. 4, 5 IAQDHL High limit for queue depth. 4, 5 IAQDLE Control attribute for queue depth low events. 4, 5 IAQDLL Low limit for queue depth. 4, 5 IAQDME Control attribute for queue depth max events. 4, 5 IAQSI Limit for queue service interval. 4, 5 IAQSIE Control attribute for queue service interval events. 4, 5 IAQTYP Queue type. IAQSGD Queue sharing group disposition. 3 IARINT Queue retention interval. 5 IASCOP Queue definition scope. 4, 5 IASHAR Whether queue can be shared for input. IATRGC Trigger control. IATRGD Trigger depth. 5 IATRGP Threshold message priority for triggers. 5 IATRGT Trigger type. IAUSAG Usage. CLWLUSEQ Use remote queues.
- Supported on AIX , HP-UX, z/OS®, IBM® i, Solaris, Windows, plus IBM MQ MQI clients connected to these systems.
- Supported on AIX, HP-UX, IBM i, Solaris, Windows, plus IBM MQ clients connected to these systems.
- Supported on z/OS.
- Not supported on z/OS.
- Not supported on VSE/ESA.
Table 2. MQINQ attribute selectors for namelists. See notes for an explanation of the notes.
Selector Description Note CAALTD Date of most recent alteration (LNDATE) 1 CAALTT Time of most recent alteration (LNTIME) 1 CALSTD Namelist description (LNNLD) 1 CALSTN Name of namelist object (LNNLN) 1 CANAMS Names in the namelist (LNQN x Number of names in the list) 1 IANAMC Number of names in the namelist 1 IAQSGD Queue sharing group disposition 3
Table 3. MQINQ attribute selectors for process definitions. See notes for an explanation of the notes.
Selector Description Note CAALTD Date of most recent alteration (LNDATE) 1 CAALTT Time of most recent alteration (LNTIME) 1 CAAPPI Application identifier (LNPROA) 5 CAENVD Environment data (LNPROE) 5 CAPROD Description of process definition (LNPROD) 5 CAPRON Name of process definition (LNPRON) 5 CAUSRD User data (LNPROU) 5 IAAPPT Application type 5 IAQSGD Queue sharing group disposition 3
Table 4. MQINQ attribute selectors for the queue manager. See notes for an explanation of the notes.
Selector Description Note CAALTD Date of most recent alteration (LNDATE) 1 CAALTT Time of most recent alteration (LNTIME) 1 CACADX Automatic channel definition exit name (LNEXN) 1 CACLWD Data passed to cluster workload exit (LNEXDA) 1 CACLWX Name of cluster workload exit (LNEXN) 1 CACMDQ System command input queue name (LNQN) 5 CADLQ Name of dead-letter queue (LNQN) 5 CADXQN Default transmission queue name (LNQN) 5 CAQMD Queue manager description (LNQMD) 5 CAQMID Queue manager identifier (LNQMID) 1 CAQMN Name of local queue manager (LNQMN) 5 CAQSGN Queue sharing group name (LNQSGN) 3 CARPN Name of cluster for which queue manager provides repository services (LNQMN) 1 CARPNL Name of namelist object containing names of clusters for which queue manager provides repository services (LNNLN) 1 CMDEV Control attribute that determines whether messages generated when commands are issued, are put onto a queue 8 IAAUTE Control attribute for authority events 4, 5 IACAD Control attribute for automatic channel definition 2 IACADE Control attribute for automatic channel definition events 2 IACLXQ Default cluster transmission queue type 4 IACLWL Cluster workload length 1 IACCSI Coded character set identifier 5 IACMDL Command level supported by queue manager 5 IACFGE Control attribute for configuration events 3 IADIST Distribution list support 2 IAINHE Control attribute for inhibit events 4, 5 IALCLE Control attribute for local events 4, 5 IAMHND Maximum number of handles 5 IAMLEN Maximum message length 5 IAMPRI Maximum priority 5 IAMUNC Maximum number of uncommitted messages within a unit of work 5 IAPFME Control attribute for performance events 4, 5 IAPLAT Platform on which the queue manager resides 5 IARMTE Control attribute for remote events 4, 5 IASSE Control attribute for start stop events 4, 5 IASYNC Sync point availability 5 IATRLFT Lifetime of unused non-administrative topics IATRGI Trigger interval 5 - IACNT (10 digit signed integer) - input
Count of integer attributes.
This is the number of elements in the INTATR array. Zero is a valid value.
If this is at least the number of IA* selectors in the SELS parameter, all integer attributes requested are returned.
- INTATR (10 digit signed integer x IACNT) - output
Array of integer attributes.
This is an array of IACNT integer attribute values.
Integer attribute values are returned in the same order as the IA* selectors in the SELS parameter. If the array contains more elements than the number of IA* selectors, the excess elements are unchanged.
If HOBJ represents a queue, but an attribute selector is not applicable to that type of queue, the specific value IAVNA is returned for the corresponding element in the INTATR array.
- CALEN (10 digit signed integer) - input
Length of character attributes buffer.
This is the length in bytes of the CHRATR parameter.
This must be at least the sum of the lengths of the requested character attributes (see SELS). Zero is a valid value.
- CHRATR (1 byte character string x CALEN) - output
Character attributes.
This is the buffer in which the character attributes are returned, concatenated together. The length of the buffer is given by the CALEN parameter.
Character attributes are returned in the same order as the CA* selectors in the SELS parameter. The length of each attribute string is fixed for each attribute (see SELS), and the value in it is padded to the right with blanks if necessary. If the buffer is larger than that needed to contain all of the requested character attributes (including padding), the bytes beyond the last attribute value returned are unchanged.
If HOBJ represents a queue, but an attribute selector is not applicable to that type of queue, a character string consisting entirely of asterisks (*) is returned as the value of that attribute in CHRATR.
- CMPCOD (10 digit signed integer) - output
Completion code.
It is one of the following:
- Successful completion.
- Warning (partial completion).
- Call failed.
- REASON (10 digit signed integer) - output
Reason code qualifying CMPCOD.
- (0, X'000') No reason to report.
- RC2008
- (2008, X'7D8') Not enough space allowed for character attributes.
- RC2022
- (2022, X'7E6') Not enough space allowed for integer attributes.
- RC2068
- (2068, X'814') Selector not applicable to queue type.
- RC2219
- (2219, X'8AB') MQI call reentered before previous call complete.
- RC2006
- (2006, X'7D6') Length of character attributes not valid.
- RC2007
- (2007, X'7D7') Character attributes string not valid.
- RC2009
- (2009, X'7D9') Connection to queue manager lost.
- RC2018
- (2018, X'7E2') Connection handle not valid.
- RC2019
- (2019, X'7E3') Object handle not valid.
- RC2021
- (2021, X'7E5') Count of integer attributes not valid.
- RC2023
- (2023, X'7E7') Integer attributes array not valid.
- RC2038
- (2038, X'7F6') Queue not open for inquire.
- RC2041
- (2041, X'7F9') Object definition changed since opened.
- RC2101
- (2101, X'835') Object damaged.
- RC2052
- (2052, X'804') Queue has been deleted.
- RC2058
- (2058, X'80A') Queue manager name not valid or not known.
- RC2059
- (2059, X'80B') Queue manager not available for connection.
- RC2162
- (2162, X'872') Queue manager shutting down.
- RC2102
- (2102, X'836') Insufficient system resources available.
- RC2065
- (2065, X'811') Count of selectors not valid.
- RC2067
- (2067, X'813') Attribute selector not valid.
- RC2066
- (2066, X'812') Count of selectors too large.
- RC2071
- (2071, X'817') Insufficient storage available.
- RC2195
- (2195, X'893') Unexpected error occurred.
RPG Declaration
C*..1....:....2....:....3....:....4....:....5....:....6....:....7.. C CALLP MQINQ(HCONN : HOBJ : SELCNT : C SELS(1) : IACNT : INTATR(1) : C CALEN : CHRATR : CMPCOD : C REASON)The prototype definition for the call is:D*..1....:....2....:....3....:....4....:....5....:....6....:....7.. DMQINQ PR EXTPROC('MQINQ') D* Connection handle D HCONN 10I 0 VALUE D* Object handle D HOBJ 10I 0 VALUE D* Count of selectors D SELCNT 10I 0 VALUE D* Array of attribute selectors D SELS 10I 0 D* Count of integer attributes D IACNT 10I 0 VALUE D* Array of integer attributes D INTATR 10I 0 D* Length of character attributes buffer D CALEN 10I 0 VALUE D* Character attributes D CHRATR * VALUE D* Completion code D CMPCOD 10I 0 D* Reason code qualifying CMPCOD D REASON 10I 0