MQSCO - SSL/TLS configuration options

The following table summarizes the fields in the structure.

Table 1. Fields in MQSCO
Field Description Topic
StrucId Structure identifier StrucId
Version Structure version number Version
KeyRepository Location of key repository KeyRepository
CryptoHardware Details of cryptographic hardware CryptoHardware
AuthInfoRecCount Number of MQAIR records present AuthInfoRecCount
AuthInfoRecOffset Offset of first MQAIR record from start of MQSCO AuthInfoRecOffset
AuthInfoRecPtr Address of first MQAIR record AuthInfoRecPtr
Note: The following two fields are ignored if Version is less than MQSCO_VERSION_2.
KeyResetCount TLS secret key reset count KeyResetCount
FipsRequired Use FIPS-certified cryptographic algorithms in IBM MQ FipsRequired (MQLONG)
Note: The following field is ignored if Version is less than MQSCO_VERSION_3.
EncryptionPolicySuiteB Use only Suite B cryptographic algorithms EncryptionPolicySuiteB
Note: The following field is ignored if Version is less than MQSCO_VERSION_4.
CertificateValPolicy Certificate validation policy CertificateValPolicy
Note: The following field is ignored if Version is less than MQSCO_VERSION_5.
CertificateLabel Details the certificate label that is being used. CertificateLabel