OriginalLength (MQLONG)
This field is relevant only for report messages that are segments. It specifies the length of the message segment to which the report message relates; it does not specify the length of the logical message of which the segment forms part, or the length of the data in the report message.
Note: When generating a report message for a message that is a segment, the queue manager and message channel agent copy into the MQMD for the report message the GroupId, MsgSeqNumber, Offset, and MsgFlags, fields from the original message. As a result, the report message is also a segment. Applications that generate report messages must do the same, and set the OriginalLength field correctly. The following special value is defined:
- Original length of message not defined.
OriginalLength is an input field on the MQPUT and MQPUT1 calls, but the value that the application provides is accepted only in particular circumstances:
- If the message being put is a segment and is also a report message, the queue manager accepts the value specified. The value must be:
- Greater than zero if the segment is not the last segment
- Not less than zero if the segment is the last segment
- Not less than the length of data present in the message
- If the message being put is a segment but not a report message, the queue manager ignores the field and uses the length of the application message data instead.
- In all other cases, the queue manager ignores the field and uses the value MQOL_UNDEFINED instead.
This is an output field on the MQGET call.
The initial value of this field is MQOL_UNDEFINED. This field is ignored if Version is less than MQMD_VERSION_2.