PL/I declaration for MQDLH
dcl 1 MQDLH based, 3 StrucId char(4), /* Structure identifier */ 3 Version fixed bin(31), /* Structure version number */ 3 Reason fixed bin(31), /* Reason message arrived on dead-letter (undelivered-message) queue */ 3 DestQName char(48), /* Name of original destination queue */ 3 DestQMgrName char(48), /* Name of original destination queue manager */ 3 Encoding fixed bin(31), /* Numeric encoding of data that follows MQDLH */ 3 CodedCharSetId fixed bin(31), /* Character set identifier of data that follows MQDLH */ 3 Format char(8), /* Format name of data that follows MQDLH */ 3 PutApplType fixed bin(31), /* Type of application that put message on dead-letter (undelivered-message) queue */ 3 PutApplName char(28), /* Name of application that put message on dead-letter (undelivered-message) queue */ 3 PutDate char(8), /* Date when message was put on dead-letter (undelivered-message) queue */ 3 PutTime char(8); /* Time when message was put on the dead-letter (undelivered-message) queue */