COBOL declaration for MQDLH
** MQDLH structure 10 MQDLH. ** Structure identifier 15 MQDLH-STRUCID PIC X(4). ** Structure version number 15 MQDLH-VERSION PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Reason message arrived on dead-letter (undelivered-message) queue 15 MQDLH-REASON PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Name of original destination queue 15 MQDLH-DESTQNAME PIC X(48). ** Name of original destination queue manager 15 MQDLH-DESTQMGRNAME PIC X(48). ** Numeric encoding of data that follows MQDLH 15 MQDLH-ENCODING PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Character set identifier of data that follows MQDLH 15 MQDLH-CODEDCHARSETID PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Format name of data that follows MQDLH 15 MQDLH-FORMAT PIC X(8). ** Type of application that put message on dead-letter ** (undelivered-message) queue 15 MQDLH-PUTAPPLTYPE PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Name of application that put message on dead-letter ** (undelivered-message) queue 15 MQDLH-PUTAPPLNAME PIC X(28). ** Date when message was put on dead-letter (undelivered-message) ** queue 15 MQDLH-PUTDATE PIC X(8). ** Time when message was put on the dead-letter (undelivered-message) ** queue 15 MQDLH-PUTTIME PIC X(8).