Initial values and language declarations for MQWQR

Initial values and C and High Level Assembler Language declarations for MQWQR - Cluster workload queue record.

Table 1. Initial values of fields in MQWQR
Field name Name of constant Value of constant
QFlags None 0
QName None
QMgrIdentifier None
ClusterRecOffset None 0
QType None 0
QDesc None
DefBind None 0
DefPersistence None 0
DefPriority None 0
InhibitPut None 0
CLWLQueuePriority None 0
CLWLQueueRank None 0
DefPutResponse None 1
  1. The symbol ? represents a single blank character.
  2. In the C programming language, the macro variable MQWQR_DEFAULT contains the default values. Use it in the following way to provide initial values for the fields in the structure:
  3. The initial values intentionally set the length of the structure to the length of the current version, and not version 1 of the structure.

C declaration

typedef struct tagMQWQR {
  MQCHAR4   StrucId;           /* Structure identifier */
  MQLONG    Version;           /* Structure version number */
  MQLONG    StrucLength;       /* Length of MQWQR structure */
  MQLONG    QFlags;            /* Queue flags */
  MQCHAR48  QName;             /* Queue name */
  MQCHAR48  QMgrIdentifier;    /* Queue manageridentifier */
  MQLONG    ClusterRecOffset;  /* Offset of first cluster record */
  MQLONG    QType;             /* Queue type */
  MQCHAR64  QDesc;             /* Queue description */
  MQLONG    DefBind;           /* Default binding */
  MQLONG    DefPersistence;    /* Default message persistence */
  MQLONG    DefPriority;       /* Default message priority */
  MQLONG    InhibitPut;        /* Whether put operations on the queue
                                  are allowed */
  /* version 2 */
  MQLONG    CLWLQueuePriority; /* Queue priority */
  MQLONG    CLWLQueueRank;     /* Queue rank */
  /* version 3 */
  MQLONG    DefPutResponse;    /* Default put response */

High Level Assembler

MQWQR                          DSECT
MQWQR_STRUCID                  DS   CL4      Structure identifier
MQWQR_VERSION                  DS   F        Structure version number
MQWQR_STRUCLENGTH              DS   F        Length of MQWQR structure
MQWQR_QFLAGS                   DS   F        Queue flags
MQWQR_QNAME                    DS   CL48     Queue name
MQWQR_QMGRIDENTIFIER           DS   CL48     Queue manager identifier
MQWQR_CLUSTERRECOFFSET         DS   F        Offset of first cluster
*                                            record
MQWQR_QTYPE                    DS   F        Queue type
MQWQR_QDESC                    DS   CL64     Queue description
MQWQR_DEFBIND                  DS   F        Default binding
MQWQR_DEFPERSISTENCE           DS   F        Default message persistence
MQWQR_DEFPRIORITY              DS   F        Default message priority
MQWQR_INHIBITPUT               DS   F        Whether put operations on
*                                            the queue are allowed
MQWQR_DEFPUTRESPONSE           DS   F        Default put response
MQWQR_LENGTH                   EQU  *-MQWQR  Length of structure
                               ORG  MQWQR
MQWQR_AREA                     DS   CL(MQWQR_LENGTH)