Initial values and language declarations for MQWXP

Initial values and C and High Level Assembler Language declarations for MQWXP - Cluster workload exit parameter structure.

Table 1. Initial values of fields in MQWXP
Field name Name of constant Value of constant
ExitId None 0
ExitReason MQXCC_OK 0
ExitResponse None 0
ExitResponse2 None 0
Flags None 0
ExitData None
MsgDescPtr None NULL
MsgBufferPtr None NULL
MsgBufferLength None 0
MsgBufferPtr None 0
QName None
QMgrName None
DestinationCount None 0
DestinationChosen None 0
DestinationArrayPtr None NULL
QArrayPtr None NULL
CacheContext None NULL
CLWLMRUChannels None 0
pEntryPoints None NULL
  1. The symbol ? represents a single blank character.
  2. In the C programming language, the macro variable MQWXP_DEFAULT contains the default values. Use it in the following way to provide initial values for the fields in the structure:

C declaration

typedef struct tagMQWXP {
  MQCHAR4   StrucId;              /* Structure identifier */
  MQLONG    Version;              /* Structure version number */
  MQLONG    ExitId;               /* Type of exit */
  MQLONG    ExitReason;           /* Reason for invoking exit */
  MQLONG    ExitResponse;         /* Response from exit */
  MQLONG    ExitResponse2;        /* Reserved */
  MQLONG    Feedback;             /* Reserved */
  MQLONG    Flags;                /* Flags */
  MQBYTE16  ExitUserArea;         /* Exit user area */
  MQCHAR32  ExitData;             /* Exit data */
  PMQMD     MsgDescPtr;           /* Address of message descriptor */
  PMQVOID   MsgBufferPtr;         /* Address of buffer containing some
                                     or all of the message data */
  MQLONG    MsgBufferLength;      /* Length of buffer containing message
                                     data */
  MQLONG    MsgLength;            /* Length of complete message */
  MQCHAR48  QName;                /* Queue name */
  MQCHAR48  QMgrName;             /* Name of local queue manager */
  MQLONG    DestinationCount;     /* Number of possible destinations */
  MQLONG    DestinationChosen;    /* Destination chosen */
  PPMQWDR   DestinationArrayPtr;  /* Address of an array of pointers to
                                     destination records */
  PPMQWQR   QArrayPtr;            /* Address of an array of pointers to
                                     queue records */
  /* version 1 */
  MQPTR     CacheContext;         /* Context information */
  MQLONG    CacheType;            /* Type of cluster cache */
  /* version 2 */
  MQLONG    CLWLMRUChannnels;     /* Maximum number of most recently
                                     used cluster channels */
  /* version 3 */
  PMQIEP    pEntryPoints;         /* Address of the MQIEP structure */
  /* version 4 */

High Level Assembler

MQWXP                          DSECT
MQWXP_STRUCID                  DS   CL4      Structure identifier
MQWXP_VERSION                  DS   F        Structure version number
MQWXP_EXITID                   DS   F        Type of exit
MQWXP_EXITREASON               DS   F        Reason for invoking exit
MQWXP_EXITRESPONSE             DS   F        Response from exit
MQWXP_EXITRESPONSE2            DS   F        Reserved
MQWXP_FEEDBACK                 DS   F        Reserved
MQWXP_RESERVED                 DS   F        Reserved
MQWXP_EXITUSERAREA             DS   XL16     Exit user area
MQWXP_EXITDATA                 DS   CL32     Exit data
MQWXP_MSGDESCPTR               DS   F        Address of message
*                                            descriptor
MQWXP_MSGBUFFERPTR             DS   F        Address of buffer containing
*                                            some or all of the message
*                                            data
MQWXP_MSGBUFFERLENGTH          DS   F        Length of buffer containing
*                                            message data
MQWXP_MSGLENGTH                DS   F        Length of complete message
MQWXP_QNAME                    DS   CL48     Queue name
MQWXP_QMGRNAME                 DS   CL48     Name of local queue manager
MQWXP_DESTINATIONCOUNT         DS   F        Number of possible
*                                            destinations
MQWXP_DESTINATIONCHOSEN        DS   F        Destination chosen
MQWXP_DESTINATIONARRAYPTR      DS   F        Address of an array of
*                                            pointers to destination
*                                            records
MQWXP_QARRAYPTR                DS   F        Address of an array of
*                                            pointers to queue records
MQWXP_CACHECONTEXT             DS   F        Context information
MQWXP_CACHETYPE                DS   F        Type of cluster cache 
MQWXP_CLWLMRUCHANNELS          DS   F        Number of most recently used
*                                            channels for workload balancing

MQWXP_LENGTH                   EQU  *-MQWXP  Length of structure
                               ORG  MQWXP
MQWXP_AREA                     DS   CL(MQWXP_LENGTH)