Parameters for MQXCLWLN - Navigate Cluster workload records

Description of the parameters in the MQXCLWLN call.

    ExitParms ( MQWXP ) - input/output
    Exit parameter block.

    This structure contains information relating to the invocation of the exit. The exit sets information in this structure to indicate how to manage the workload.

    CurrentRecord ( MQPTR ) - input
    Address of current record.

    This structure contains information relating to the address of the record currently being examined by the exit. The record must be one of the following types:

    • Cluster workload destination record ( MQWDR )
    • Cluster workload queue record ( MQWQR )
    • Cluster workload cluster record ( MQWCR )

    NextOffset ( MQLONG ) - input
    Offset of next record.

    This structure contains information relating to the offset of the next record or structure. NextOffset is the value of the appropriate offset field in the current record, and must be one of the following fields:

    • ChannelDefOffset field in MQWDR
    • ClusterRecOffset field in MQWDR
    • ClusterRecOffset field in MQWQR
    • ClusterRecOffset field in MQWCR

    NextRecord ( MQPTR ) - output
    Address of next record or structure.

    This structure contains information relating to the address of the next record or structure. If CurrentRecord is the address of an MQWDR, and NextOffset is the value of the ChannelDefOffset field, NextRecord is the address of the channel definition structure ( MQCD ).

    If there is no next record or structure, the queue manager sets NextRecord to the null pointer, and the call returns completion code MQCC_WARNING and reason code MQRC_NO_RECORD_AVAILABLE.

    CompCode ( MQLONG ) - output
    Completion code. The completion code has one of the following values:

      Successful completion.

      Warning (partial completion).

      Call failed.

    Reason ( MQLONG ) - output
    Reason code qualifying CompCode If CompCode is MQCC_OK:


      ( 0, X'0000')
      No reason to report.

    If CompCode is MQCC_WARNING:


      ( 2359, X'0937')
      No record available. An MQXCLWLN call was issued from a cluster workload exit to obtain the address of the next record in the chain. The current record is the last record in the chain. Corrective action: None.

    If CompCode is MQCC_FAILED:


      ( 2357, X'0935')
      CurrentRecord parameter not valid. An MQXCLWLN call was issued from a cluster workload exit to obtain the address of the next record in the chain. The address specified by the CurrentRecord parameter is not the address of a valid record.
      CurrentRecord must be the address of a destination record, MQWDR, queue record ( MQWQR ), or cluster record ( MQWCR ) residing within the cluster cache. Corrective action: Ensure that the cluster workload exit passes the address of a valid record residing in the cluster cache.


      ( 2012, X'07DC')
      Call not valid in environment. An MQXCLWLN call was issued, but not from a cluster workload exit.


      ( 2358, X'0936')
      NextOffset parameter not valid. An MQXCLWLN call was issued from a cluster workload exit to obtain the address of the next record in the chain. The offset specified by the NextOffset parameter is not valid. NextOffset must be the value of one of the following fields:

      • ChannelDefOffset field in MQWDR
      • ClusterRecOffset field in MQWDR
      • ClusterRecOffset field in MQWQR
      • ClusterRecOffset field in MQWCR
      Corrective action: Ensure that the value specified for the NextOffset parameter is the value of one of the fields listed previously.


      ( 2361, X'0939')
      NextRecord parameter not valid.


      ( 2356, X'0934')
      Workload exit parameter structure not valid. An MQXCLWLN call was issued from a cluster workload exit to obtain the address of the next record in the chain. The workload exit parameter structure ExitParms is not valid, for one of the following reasons:

      • The parameter pointer is not valid. It is not always possible to detect parameter pointers that are not valid; if not detected, unpredictable results occur.
      • The StrucId field is not MQWXP_STRUC_ID.
      • The Version field is not MQWXP_VERSION_2.
      • The Context field does not contain the value passed to the exit by the queue manager.
      Corrective action: Ensure that the parameter specified for ExitParms is the MQWXP structure that was passed to the exit when the exit was invoked.