Use an alias to refer to an MQ library
We can define an alias to refer to an MQ library in your JCL, rather than use the name of the MQ library directly. Then, if the name of the MQ library changes, we have only to delete and redefine the alias.
The following example defines an alias MQM.SCSQANLE to refer to the MQ library MQM.V600.SCSQANLE://STEP1 EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DELETE (MQM.SCSQANLE) DEFINE ALIAS (NAME(MQM.SCSQANLE) RELATE(MQM.V600.SCSQANLE)) /*Then, to refer to the MQM.V600.SCSQANLE library in your JCL, use the alias MQM.SCSQANLE. Note: The library and alias names must be in the same catalog, so use the same high level qualifier for both; in this example, the high level qualifier is MQM.