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Establishing a TCP connection

If TCP is already configured there are no extra configuration tasks. If TCP/IP is not configured you need to: add a TCP/IP interface, add a TCP/IP loopback interface, and add a default route.

Add a TCP/IP interface

  1. At a command-line, type ADDTCPIFC and press enter.
    Add TCP/IP Interface (ADDTCPIFC)
    Type choices, press Enter.
    Internet address . . . . . . . .
    Line description . . . . . . . .  TOKENRINGL  Name, *LOOPBACK
    Subnet mask . . . . . . . . . .
    Type of service . . . . . . . .  *NORMAL    *MINDELAY, *MAXTHRPUT..
    Maximum transmission unit . . .  *LIND     576-16388, *LIND
    Autostart . . . . . . . . . . .  *YES     *YES, *NO
    PVC logical channel identifier          001-FFF
    + for more values
    X.25 idle circuit timeout . . .  60      1-600
    X.25 maximum virtual circuits .  64      0-64
    X.25 DDN interface . . . . . . .  *NO      *YES, *NO
    TRLAN bit sequencing . . . . . .  *MSB     *MSB, *LSB
    F3=Exit  F4=Prompt  F5=Refresh  F12=Cancel  F13=How to use this display
    F24=More keys
  2. Specify the IP address and Line description, and a Subnet mask of the machine.
  3. Press enter.

Add a TCP/IP loopback interface

  1. At a command-line, type ADDTCPIFC and press enter.
    Add TCP Interface (ADDTCPIFC)
    Type choices, press Enter.
    Internet address . . . . . . . .
    Line description . . . . . . . .  *LOOPBACK   Name, *LOOPBACK
    Subnet mask . . . . . . . . . .
    Type of service . . . . . . . .  *NORMAL    *MINDELAY, *MAXTHRPUT..
    Maximum transmission unit . . .  *LIND     576-16388, *LIND
    Autostart . . . . . . . . . . .  *YES     *YES, *NO
    PVC logical channel identifier          001-FFF
    + for more values
    X.25 idle circuit timeout . . .  60      1-600
    X.25 maximum virtual circuits .  64      0-64
    X.25 DDN interface . . . . . . .  *NO      *YES, *NO
    TRLAN bit sequencing . . . . . .  *MSB     *MSB, *LSB
    F3=Exit  F4=Prompt  F5=Refresh  F12=Cancel  F13=How to use this display
    F24=More keys
  2. Specify the values for IP address, Line description, and Subnet mask.

Add a default route

  1. At a command-line, type ADDTCPRTE and press enter.
    Add TCP Route (ADDTCPRTE)
    Type choices, press Enter.
    Route destination . . . . . . .  *DFTROUTE
    Subnet mask . . . . . . . . . .  *NONE
    Type of service . . . . . . . .  *NORMAL    *MINDELAY, *MAXTHRPUT.
    Next hop . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Maximum transmission unit . . .  576      576-16388, *IFC
    F3=Exit  F4=Prompt  F5=Refresh  F12=Cancel  F13=How to use this display
    F24=More keys
    Command prompting ended when user pressed F12.
  2. Enter values appropriate to your network and press enter to create a default route entry.

What next?

The TCP connection is now established. You are ready to complete the configuration. Go to IBM MQ for IBM i configuration.