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IBM MQ for Solaris configuration

Describes channels to be defined to complete the configuration.

Before beginning the installation process ensure that we have first created the mqm user and group, and set the password.

Start any channel using the command:
runmqchl -c channel.name
  1. Sample programs are installed in MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/samp.

    MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH represents the high-level directory in which IBM MQ is installed.

  2. Error logs are stored in /var/mqm/qmgrs/ qmgrname /errors.
  3. When you are using the command interpreter runmqsc to enter administration commands, a + at the end of a line indicates that the next line is a continuation. Ensure that there is a space between the last parameter and the continuation character.
  4. For an SNA or LU6.2 channel, if you experience an error when you try to load the communications library, probably file liblu62.so cannot be found. A likely solution to this problem is to add its location, which is probably /opt/SUNWlu62, to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Basic configuration

  1. Create the queue manager from the UNIX prompt using the command:
    crtmqm -u dlqname -q solaris

      Is the name of the queue manager

      Indicates that this is to become the default queue manager

      -u dlqname
      Specifies the name of the undeliverable message queue

    This command creates a queue manager and a set of default objects.

  2. Start the queue manager from the UNIX prompt using the command:
    strmqm solaris
    where solaris is the name given to the queue manager when it was created.