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Add information about a data set to the BSDS (NEWLOG) on z/OS

We can use the NEWLOG function of CSQJU003 to add information about a data set to BSDS.

The NEWLOG function declares one of the following data sets:

A maximum of 310 data sets can be defined for each log copy, either by this NEWLOG function or the MQSC DEFINE LOG command.


NEWLOG DSNAME = dsname New active logNew archive log,PASSWORD=passwordNew active log,COPY1,COPY2,STARTRBA=startrba,ENDRBA=endrbaTimeTime , STARTIME = startime , ENDTIME = endtime New archive log,COPY1VOL=vol-id,COPY2VOL=vol-id , STARTRBA = startrba , ENDRBA = endrba ,STARTIME=startime,ENDTIME=endtime,STRTLRSN=strtlrsn,ENDLRSN=endlrsn , UNIT = unit-id ,CATALOG=NO,CATALOG=YES

Keywords and parameters