Inquire Storage Class (Response) on z/OS®

The response to the Inquire Storage Class (MQCMD_INQUIRE_STG_CLASS) command consists of the response header followed by the StgClassName structure, the PageSetId structure and the QSGDisposition structure which are followed by the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.

    Always returned:
    PageSetId, QSGDisposition, StgClassName

    Returned if requested:
    AlterationDate, AlterationTime, PassTicketApplication, StorageClassDesc, XCFGroupName, XCFMemberName,

Response data

    AlterationDate (MQCFST)
    Alteration date (parameter identifier: MQCA_ALTERATION_DATE).

    This parameter is the date, in the form yyyy-mm-dd, on which the definition was last altered.

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_DATE_LENGTH.

    AlterationTime (MQCFST)
    Alteration time (parameter identifier: MQCA_ALTERATION_TIME).

    This parameter is the time, in the form, at which the definition was last altered.

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_TIME_LENGTH.

    PageSetId (MQCFIN)
    Page set identifier (parameter identifier: MQIA_PAGESET_ID).

    The page set identifier to which the storage class maps.

    PassTicketApplication (MQCFST)
    PassTicket application (parameter identifier: MQCA_PASS_TICKET_APPL).

    The application name that is passed to RACF® when authenticating the PassTicket specified in the MQIIH header.

    The maximum length is MQ_PASS_TICKET_APPL_LENGTH.

    QSGDisposition (MQCFIN)
    QSG disposition (parameter identifier: MQIA_QSG_DISP). Specifies the disposition of the object (that is, where it is defined and how it behaves). The value can be any of the following values:

      The object is defined as MQQSGD_COPY.

      The object is defined as MQQSGD_GROUP.

      The object is defined as MQQSGD_Q_MGR.

    StorageClassDesc (MQCFST)
    Description of the storage class (parameter identifier: MQCA_STORAGE_CLASS_DESC).

    The maximum length is MQ_STORAGE_CLASS_DESC_LENGTH.

    StgClassName (MQCFST)
    Name of the storage class (parameter identifier: MQCA_STORAGE_CLASS).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_STORAGE_CLASS_LENGTH.

    XCFGroupName (MQCFST)
    Name of the XCF group of which IBM MQ is a member (parameter identifier: MQCA_XCF_GROUP_NAME).

    The maximum length is MQ_XCF_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH.

    XCFMemberName (MQCFST)
    Name of the XCF group of which IBM MQ is a member (parameter identifier: MQCA_XCF_MEMBER_NAME).

    The maximum length is MQ_XCF_MEMBER_NAME_LENGTH.