Inquire SMDS on z/OSĀ®

The Inquire SMDS (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SMDS) command inquires about the attributes of shared message data sets for a CF application structure.

Required parameters

    SMDS (qmgr_name)
    Specifies the queue manager for which the shared message data set properties are to be displayed, or an asterisk to display the properties for all shared message data sets associated with the specified CFSTRUCT (parameter identifier: MQCACF_CF_SMDS).
    CFStrucName (MQCFST)
    The name of the CF application structure with SMDS properties to inquire on (parameter identifier: MQCA_CF_STRUC_NAME).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_CF_STRUC_NAME_LENGTH.

Optional parameters

    CF application structure SMDS attributes (parameter identifier: MQIACF_SMDS_ATTRS). The default value used if this parameter is not specified is:

      All attributes.

    The attribute list might specify MQIACF_ALL on its own, or may specify a combination of the following:

      The shared message data set DSBUFS property.

      The shared message data set DSEXPAND property.