Inquire Connection (Response)
The response to the Inquire Connection (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CONNECTION) command consists of the response header followed by the ConnectionId structure and a set of attribute parameter structures determined by the value of ConnInfoType in the Inquire command.
If the value of ConnInfoType was MQIACF_CONN_INFO_ALL, there is one message for each connection found with MQIACF_CONN_INFO_CONN, and n more messages per connection with MQIACF_CONN_INFO_HANDLE (where n is the number of objects that the connection has open).
- Always returned:
- ConnectionId, ConnInfoType
- Always returned if ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_HANDLE:
- ObjectName , ObjectType , QSGDisposition
- Returned if requested and ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_CONN:
- ApplDesc , ApplTag , ApplType , ASID , AsynchronousState , ChannelName , ConnectionName , ConnectionOptions , OriginName , OriginUOWId , ProcessId , PSBName , PSTId , QMgrUOWId , StartUOWLogExtent , TaskNumber , ThreadId , TransactionId , UOWIdentifier , UOWLogStartDate , UOWLogStartTime , UOWStartDate , UOWStartTime , UOWState , UOWType , URDisposition , UserId
- Returned if requested and ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_HANDLE:
- AsynchronousState, Destination, DestinationQueueManager, HandleState, OpenOptions, ReadAhead, SubscriptionID, SubscriptionName, TopicString
Response data
- ApplDesc (MQCFST)
- Application description (parameter identifier: MQCACF_APPL_DESC).
The maximum length is MQ_APPL_DESC_LENGTH.
- ApplTag (MQCFST)
- Application tag (parameter identifier: MQCACF_APPL_TAG).
The maximum length is MQ_APPL_TAG_LENGTH.
- ApplType (MQCFIN)
- Application type (parameter identifier: MQIA_APPL_TYPE).
The value can be any of the following values:
- Queue manager process.
- Channel initiator.
- User application.
- Application using a batch connection (only on z/OSĀ® ).
- RRS-coordinated application using a batch connection (only on z/OS ).
- CICS transaction (only on z/OS ).
- IMS transaction (only on z/OS ).
- Application performing an extension of function that is provided by the queue manager.
- Address space identifier (parameter identifier: MQCACF_ASID).
The four character address-space identifier of the application identified by ApplTag . It distinguishes duplicate values of ApplTag .
This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
The length of the string is MQ_ASID_LENGTH.
- AsynchronousState (MQCFIN)
- The state of asynchronous consumption on this handle (parameter identifier: MQIACF_ASYNC_STATE).
The value can be:
- If ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_CONN, an MQCTL call has not been issued against the handle. Asynchronous message consumption cannot currently proceed on this connection. If ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_HANDLE, an MQCB call has not been issued against this handle, so no asynchronous message consumption is configured on this handle.
- The asynchronous consumption callback has been suspended so that asynchronous message consumption cannot currently proceed on this handle. This situation can be either because an MQCB or MQCTL call with Operation MQOP_SUSPEND has been issued against this object handle by the application, or because it has been suspended by the system. If it has been suspended by the system, as part of the process of suspending asynchronous message consumption the callback function is called with the reason code that describes the problem resulting in suspension. This reason code is reported in the Reason field in the MQCBC structure passed to the callback. In order for asynchronous message consumption to proceed, the application must issue an MQCB or MQCTL call with Operation MQOP_RESUME. This reason code can be returned if ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_CONN or MQIACF_CONN_INFO_HANDLE.
- The asynchronous consumption callback has been temporarily suspended by the system so that asynchronous message consumption cannot currently proceed on this object handle. As part of the process of suspending asynchronous message consumption, the callback function is called with the reason code that describes the problem resulting in suspension. MQAS_SUSPENDED_TEMPORARY is reported in the Reason field in the MQCBC structure passed to the callback. The callback function is called again when asynchronous message consumption is resumed by the system when the temporary condition has been resolved. MQAS_SUSPENDED_TEMPORARY is returned only if ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_HANDLE.
- An MQCTL call with Operation MQOP_START has been issued against the connection handle so that asynchronous message consumption can proceed on this connection. MQAS_STARTED is returned only if ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_CONN.
- An MQCTL call with Operation MQOP_START_WAIT has been issued against the connection handle so that asynchronous message consumption can proceed on this connection. MQAS_START_WAIT is returned only if ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_CONN.
- An MQCTL call with Operation MQOP_STOP has been issued against the connection handle so that asynchronous message consumption cannot currently proceed on this connection. MQAS_STOPPED is returned only if ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_CONN.
- An MQCB call has set up a function to call back to process messages asynchronously and the connection handle has been started so that asynchronous message consumption can proceed. MQAS_ACTIVE is returned only if ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_HANDLE.
- An MQCB call has set up a function to call back to process messages asynchronously but the connection handle has not yet been started, or has been stopped or suspended, so that asynchronous message consumption cannot currently proceed. MQAS_INACTIVE is returned only if ConnInfoType is MQIACF_CONN_INFO_HANDLE.
- ChannelName (MQCFST)
- Channel name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_CHANNEL_NAME).
The maximum length of the string is MQ_CHANNEL_NAME_LENGTH.
- ConnectionId (MQCFBS)
- Connection identifier (parameter identifier: MQBACF_CONNECTION_ID).
The length of the string is MQ_CONNECTION_ID_LENGTH.
- ConnectionName (MQCFST)
- Connection name (parameter identifier: MQCACH_CONNECTION_NAME).
The maximum length of the string is MQ_CONN_NAME_LENGTH.
- ConnectionOptions (MQCFIL)
- Connect options currently in force for the connection (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CONNECT_OPTIONS).
- ConnInfoType (MQCFIN)
- Type of information returned (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CONN_INFO_TYPE).
The value can be any of the following values:
- Generic information for the specified connection.
- Information pertinent only to those objects opened by the specified connection.
- Destination (MQCFST)
- The destination queue for messages published to this subscription (parameter identifier
This parameter is relevant only for handles of subscriptions to topics.
- DestinationQueueManager (MQCFST)
- The destination queue manager for messages published to this subscription (parameter identifier
This parameter is relevant only for handles of subscriptions to topics. If Destination is a queue hosted on the local queue manager, this parameter contains the local queue manager name. If Destination is a queue hosted on a remote queue manager, this parameter contains the name of the remote queue manager.
- HandleState (MQCFIN)
- State of the handle (parameter identifier: MQIACF_HANDLE_STATE).
The value can be any of the following values:
- An API call from this connection is currently in progress for this object. If the object is a
queue, this condition can arise when an MQGET WAIT call is in progress.
If there is an MQGET SIGNAL outstanding, then this situation does not mean, by itself, that the handle is active.
- No API call from this connection is currently in progress for this object. If the object is a queue, this condition can arise when no MQGET WAIT call is in progress.
- ObjectName (MQCFST)
- Object name (parameter identifier: MQCACF_OBJECT_NAME).
The maximum length of the string is MQ_OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH.
- ObjectType (MQCFIN)
- Object type (parameter identifier: MQIACF_OBJECT_TYPE).
If this parameter is a handle of a subscription to a topic, the SUBID parameter identifies the subscription and can be used with the Inquire Subscription command to find all the details about the subscription.
The value can be any of the following values:- MQOT_Q
- Queue.
- Namelist.
- Process.
- Queue manager.
- Channel.
- Authentication information object.
- Topic.
- OpenOptions (MQCFIN)
- Open options currently in force for the object for connection (parameter identifier:
This parameter is not relevant for a subscription. Use the SUBID field of the DISPLAY SUB command to find all the details about the subscription.
- OriginName (MQCFST)
- Origin name (parameter identifier: MQCACF_ORIGIN_NAME).
Identifies the originator of the unit of recovery, except where ApplType is MQAT_RRS_BATCH when it is omitted.
This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
The length of the string is MQ_ORIGIN_NAME_LENGTH.
- OriginUOWId (MQCFBS)
- Origin UOW identifier (parameter identifier: MQBACF_ORIGIN_UOW_ID).
The unit of recovery identifier assigned by the originator. It is an 8-byte value.
This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
The length of the string is MQ_UOW_ID_LENGTH.
- ProcessId (MQCFIN)
- Process identifier (parameter identifier: MQIACF_PROCESS_ID).
- Program specification block name (parameter identifier: MQCACF_PSB_NAME).
The 8-character name of the program specification block (PSB) associated with the running IMS transaction.
This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
The length of the string is MQ_PSB_NAME_LENGTH.
- Program specification table identifier (parameter identifier: MQCACF_PST_ID).
The 4-character IMS program specification table (PST) region identifier for the connected IMS region.
This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
The length of the string is MQ_PST_ID_LENGTH.
- Unit of recovery identifier assigned by the queue manager (parameter identifier:
On z/OS platforms, this parameter is returned as an 8-byte RBA.
On Multiplatforms, this parameter is an 8-byte transaction identifier.
The maximum length of the string is MQ_UOW_ID_LENGTH.
- QSGDispositon (MQCFIN)
- QSG disposition (parameter identifier: MQIA_QSG_DISP).
Specifies the disposition of the object (that is, where it is defined and how it behaves). This
parameter is valid only on z/OS. The value can be any
of the following values:
- The object is defined as MQQSGD_COPY.
- The object is defined as MQQSGD_Q_MGR.
- The object is defined as MQQSGD_SHARED.
- ReadAhead (MQCFIN)
- The read ahead connection status (parameter identifier: MQIA_READ_AHEAD).
The value can be any of the following values:
- Read ahead for browsing messages, or of non-persistent messages is not enabled for the object that the connection has open.
- Read ahead for browsing messages, or of non-persistent messages is enabled for the object that the connection has open and is being used efficiently.
- Read ahead for browsing messages, or of non-persistent messages is enabled for this object. Read ahead is not being used efficiently because the client has been sent many messages which are not being consumed.
- Read ahead was requested by the application but has been inhibited because of incompatible options specified on the first MQGET call.
- StartUOWLogExtent (MQCFST)
- Name of the first extent needed to recover the transaction (parameter identifier:
The 8-character name of the program specification block (PSB) associated with the running IMS transaction.
This parameter is not valid on z/OS.
The maximum length of the string is MQ_LOG_EXTENT_NAME_LENGTH.
- SubscriptionID (MQCFBS)
- The internal, all time unique identifier of the subscription (parameter identifier
This parameter is relevant only for handles of subscriptions to topics.
Not all subscriptions can be seen using Inquire Connection; only those subscriptions that have current handles open to the subscriptions can be seen. Use the Inquire Subscription command to see all subscriptions.
- SubscriptionName (MQCFST)
- The unique subscription name of the application associated with the handle (parameter identifier
This parameter is relevant only for handles of subscriptions to topics. Not all subscriptions have a subscription name.
- ThreadId (MQCFIN)
- Thread identifier (parameter identifier: MQIACF_THREAD_ID).
- TopicString (MQCFST)
- Resolved topic string (parameter identifier: MQCA_TOPIC_STRING).
This parameter is relevant for handles with an ObjectType of MQOT_TOPIC. For any other object type, this parameter is blank.
- TransactionId (MQCFST)
- Transaction identifier (parameter identifier: MQCACF_TRANSACTION_ID).
The 4-character CICS transaction identifier.
This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
The maximum length of the string is MQ_TRANSACTION_ID_LENGTH.
- UOWIdentifier (MQCFBS)
- External unit of recovery identifier associated with the connection (parameter identifier:
This parameter is the recovery identifier for the unit of recovery. The value of UOWType determines its format.
The maximum length of the byte string is MQ_UOW_ID_LENGTH.
- UOWLogStartDate (MQCFST)
- Logged unit of work start date, in the form yyyy-mm-dd (parameter identifier:
The maximum length of the string is MQ_DATE_LENGTH.
- UOWLogStartTime (MQCFST)
- Logged unit of work start time, in the form (parameter identifier:
The maximum length of the string is MQ_TIME_LENGTH.
- UOWStartDate (MQCFST)
- Unit of work creation date (parameter identifier: MQCACF_UOW_START_DATE).
The maximum length of the string is MQ_DATE_LENGTH.
- UOWStartTime (MQCFST)
- Unit of work creation time (parameter identifier: MQCACF_UOW_START_TIME).
The maximum length of the string is MQ_TIME_LENGTH.
- State of the unit of work (parameter identifier: MQIACF_UOW_STATE).
The value can be any of the following values:
- There is no unit of work.
- The unit of work is active.
- The unit of work is in the process of being committed.
- The unit of work is in the second phase of a two-phase commit operation. IBM MQ holds resources on behalf of the unit of work and external intervention is required to resolve it. It might be as simple as starting the recovery coordinator (such as CICS, IMS, or RRS) or it might involve a more complex operation such as using the RESOLVE INDOUBT command. This value can occur only on z/OS.
- Type of external unit of recovery identifier as perceived by the queue manager (parameter
identifier: MQIACF_UOW_TYPE).
The value can be any of the following values:
- URDisposition (MQCFIN)
- The unit of recovery disposition associated with the connection.
This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
The value can be:- MQQSGD_GROUP
- This connection has a GROUP unit of recovery disposition.
- This connection has a QMGR unit of recovery disposition.
- UserId (MQCFST)
- User identifier (parameter identifier: MQCACF_USER_IDENTIFIER).
The maximum length of the string is MQ_MAX_USER_ID_LENGTH.