Inquire CF Structure Status on z/OS
The Inquire CF Structure Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CF_STRUC_STATUS) command inquires about the status of a CF application structure.
Note: This command is supported only on z/OSĀ® when the queue manager is a member of a queue sharing group.Required parameters
- CFStrucName (MQCFST)
- CF Structure name (parameter identifier: MQCA_CF_STRUC_NAME).
Specifies the name of the CF application structure for which status information is to be returned.
Generic CF structure names are supported. A generic name is a character string followed by an asterisk (*), for example ABC*, and it selects all CF application structures having names that start with the selected character string. An asterisk on its own matches all possible names.
The maximum length is MQ_CF_STRUC_NAME_LENGTH.
Optional parameters
- CFStatusType (MQCFIN)
- Status information type (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CF_STATUS_TYPE).
Specifies the type of status information you want to be returned. We can specify one of the following:
- Summary status information for the CF application structure. MQIACF_CF_STATUS_SUMMARY is the default.
- Connection status information for each CF application structure for each active queue manager.
- Backup status information for each CF application structure.
- Shared message data set information for each CF application structure.
- IntegerFilterCommand (MQCFIF)
- Integer filter command descriptor. The parameter identifier must be any integer type parameter
in the response data except MQIACF_CF_STATUS_TYPE. Use this parameter to
restrict the output from the command by specifying a filter condition. See MQCFIF - PCF integer filter parameter for information about using this filter condition.
If you specify an integer filter, we cannot also specify a string filter using the StringFilterCommand parameter.
- StringFilterCommand (MQCFSF)
- String filter command descriptor. The parameter identifier must be any string type parameter in
the response data except MQCA_CF_STRUC_NAME. Use this parameter to
restrict the output from the command by specifying a filter condition. See MQCFSF - PCF string filter parameter for information about using this filter condition.
If you specify a string filter, we cannot also specify an integer filter using the IntegerFilterCommand parameter.