Work with MQ Listeners (WRKMQMLSR)
- Where allowed to run
- All environments (*ALL)
- Threadsafe
- Yes
The Work with MQ Listener objects (WRKMQMLSR) command allows you to work with listener objects which are defined on the local queue manager.
This enables you to change, copy, create, delete, start, stop & display listener objects display and change authority to an MQ listener object.
This command also enables you to view the current status of all running listeners on the current system.
Keyword | Description | Choices | Notes |
OPTION | Option | *STATUS, *OBJECT | Optional, Positional 1 |
LSRNAME | Listener name | Character value, *ALL | Optional, Positional 2 |
MQMNAME | Message Queue Manager name | Character value, *DFT | Optional, Positional 3 |
WHERE | Filter command | Single values: *NONE Other values: Element list | Optional, Positional 4 |
Element 1: Filter keyword | *ALTDATE, *ALTTIME, *BACKLOG, *CONTROL, *IPADDR, *PORT, *TEXT | ||
Element 2: Filter operator | *GT, *LT, *EQ, *NE, *GE, *LE, *LK, *NL, *CT, *EX, *CTG, *EXG | ||
Element 3: Filter value | Character value |
Option (OPTION)
This option enables you to select whether you want to information on listener status or listener object definitions.
The possible values are:
- Listener status information is displayed.
The parameters LSRNAME and WHERE are ignored. If MQMNAME is specified only the status of listeners running on the specified queue manager are displayed.
- Listener object information is displayed.
Listener name (LSRNAME)
The name or names of the listener objects.
The possible values are:
- *ALL or *
- All listener objects are selected.
- generic-listener-name
- The generic name of the listener objects. A generic name is a character string followed by an
asterisk (*), for example ABC*, and it selects all listener objects having names that start with the
character string.
You are recommended to specify the name required within quotation marks. Using this format ensures that your selection is precisely what you entered.
We cannot select all the uppercase and lowercase versions of a generic name on a single panel, without requesting all the names.
- listener-name
- Specify the name of a single listener object.
Message Queue Manager name (MQMNAME)
Specifies the name of the queue manager.
The possible values are:
- *DFT
- Use the default queue manager.
- queue-manager-name
- The name of a message queue manager.
Filter command (WHERE)
This parameter can be used to selectively display only those listener objects with particular listener attributes.
The parameter takes three arguments, a keyword, an operator and a value.
Generic strings are allowed for values which are names.
The operator can take one of the following values:
- *GT
- Greater than.
Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.
- *LT
- Less than.
Applicable to integer and non-generic string values
- *EQ
- Equal to.
Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.
- *NE
- Not equal to.
Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.
- *GE
- Greater than or equal to.
Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.
- *LE
- Less than or equal to.
Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.
- *LK
- Like.
Applicable to generic string values.
- *NL
- Not like.
Applicable to generic string values.
- *CT
- Contains.
Applicable to non-generic list values.
- *EX
- Excludes.
Applicable to non-generic list values.
- *CTG
- Contains generic.
Applicable to generic list values.
- *EXG
- Excludes generic.
Applicable to generic list values.
The keyword can take one of the following values:
- The date on which the definition or information was last altered.
The filter value is the date in the form yyyy-mm-dd.
- The time at which the definition or information was last altered.
The filter value is the time in the form hh:mm:ss.
- The number of concurrent connection requests supported.
The filter value is the integer backlog value.
- Whether the listener is started and stopped with the queue manager.
The filter value is one of the following:
- The listener is not automatically started or stopped.
- The listener is started and stopped as the queue manager is started and stopped.
- The listener is started as the queue manager is started, but is not requested to stop when the queue manager is stopped.
- The local IP Address to be used by the listener.
The filter value is the IP Address.
- The port number to be used by the listener.
The filter value is the integer port value.
- Descriptive comment.
The filter value is the text description of the listener.
Error messages