Work with MQ Clusters (WRKMQMCL)

    Where allowed to run
    All environments (*ALL)


The Work with MQ Clusters command, WRKMQMCL, allows you to work with multiple cluster queue manager definitions that are defined on the local queue manager.


Table 1. WRKMQMCL parameters
Keyword Description Choices Notes
CLUSQMGR Cluster Queue Manager name Character value, *ALL Optional, Positional 1
MQMNAME Message Queue Manager name Character value, *DFT Optional, Positional 2
WHERE Filter command Single values: *NONE Other values: Element list Optional, Positional 3
Element 2: Filter operator *GT, *LT, *EQ, *NE, *GE, *LE, *LK, *NL, *CT, *EX, *CTG, *EXG
Element 3: Filter value Character value

Cluster Queue Manager name (CLUSQMGR)

Specifies the name or names of the cluster queue manager definitions.

    All cluster queue manager definitions are selected.

    Specify the generic name of the MQ cluster queue manager definitions. A generic name is a character string followed by an asterisk (*)> For example ABC*, it selects all cluster queue manager definitions having names that start with the character string. You are recommended to specify the name required within quotation marks. Using this format ensures that your selection is precisely what you entered. We cannot select all the uppercase and lowercase versions of a generic name on a single panel, without requesting all the names.

    Specify the name of the MQ cluster queue manager definition.

Message Queue Manager name (MQMNAME)

Specifies the name of the queue manager.

    Use the default queue manager.

    Specify the name of the queue manager.

Filter command (WHERE)

This parameter can be used to selectively display only those cluster queue managers with particular attributes.

The parameter takes three arguments, a keyword, an operator and a value.

Generic strings are allowed for values which are names.

The operator can take one of the following values:

    Greater than.

    Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.

    Less than.

    Applicable to integer and non-generic string values

    Equal to.

    Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.

    Not equal to.

    Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.

    Greater than or equal to.

    Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.

    Less than or equal to.

    Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.


    Applicable to generic string values.

    Not like.

    Applicable to generic string values.


    Applicable to non-generic list values.


    Applicable to non-generic list values.

    Contains generic.

    Applicable to generic list values.

    Excludes generic.

    Applicable to generic list values.

The keyword can take one of the following values:

    The date on which the definition or information was last altered.

    The filter value is the data in the form yyyy-mm-dd.

    The time at which the definition or information was last altered.

    The filter value is the time in the form hh:mm:ss.

    Batch heartbeat interval in milliseconds.

    The filter value is the integer interval time.

    Batch interval in milliseconds.

    The filter value is the integer interval time.

    Batch data limit in kilobytes.

    The limit of the amount of data that can be sent through a channel.

    Batch size.

    The filter value is the integer batch size.

    The channel name of the cluster queue manager.

    The filter value is the name of the channel.

    The date on which the definition became available to the local queue manager.

    The filter value is the data in the form yyyy-mm-dd.

    The cluster queue manager name.

    The filter value is the name of the cluster queue manager.

    The cluster to which the cluster queue manager belongs.

    The filter value is the name of the cluster.

    The time at which the definition became available to the local queue manager.

    The filter value is the time in the form hh:mm:ss.

    Cluster workload rank.

    The filter value is the integer rank.

    Cluster workload priority.

    The filter value is the integer priority.

    Cluster workload weight.

    The filter value is the integer weight.

    Header compression.

    The filter value is one of the following:

      No header data compression is performed.

      Header data compression is performed.

    Message compression.

    The filter value is one of the following:

      No message data compression is performed.

      Message data compression is performed using RLE.

      Message data compression is performed using ZLIB compression. A high level of compression is preferred.

      Message data compression is performed using ZLIB compression. A fast compression time is preferred.

      Any compression technique supported by the queue manager can be used.

    Remote connection name.

    The filter value is the connection name string.

    Whether the message should be converted before transmission.

    The filter value is one of the following:

      The application data in the message is converted before sending.

      The application data in the message is not converted before sending.

    How the cluster channel was defined.

    The filter value is one of the following:

      As a cluster-sender channel from an explicit definition.

      As a cluster-sender channel by auto-definition alone.

      As a cluster-sender channel by auto-definition and an explicit definition.

      As a cluster-receiver channel from an explicit definition.

    Disconnect interval in seconds.

    The filter value is the integer interval time.

    Heartbeat interval in seconds.

    The filter value is the integer interval time.

    Keep alive interval in seconds.

    The filter value is the integer interval time.

    Local connection name.

    The filter value is the connection name string.

    Long retry count.

    The filter value is the integer count.

    Long retry interval in seconds.

    The filter value is the integer interval time.

    Maximum message length.

    The filter value is the integer length.

    Message channel agent name.

    The filter value is the agent name.

    Whether the message channel agent program should run as a thread or process.

    The filter value is one of the following:

      The message channel agent runs as a separate process.

      The message channel agent runs as a separate thread.

    Message channel agent user identifier.

    The filter value is the user identifier string.

    Channel Monitoring.

    The filter value is one of the following:

      The collection of Online Monitoring Data is inherited from the setting of the queue manager attribute MONCHL.

      Online Monitoring Data collection for this channel is disabled.

      Monitor data collection is turned on with a low ratio of data collection.

      Monitor data collection is turned on with a moderate ratio of data collection.

      Monitor data collection is turned on with a high ratio of data collection.

    Message exit name.

    The filter value is the exit name.

    Message retry exit user data.

    The filter value is the user data string.

    Message retry exit name.

    The filter value is the exit name.

    Message retry interval interval in seconds.

    The filter value is the integer interval time.

    Number of message retries.

    The filter value is the integer number of retries.

    Message exit user data.

    The filter value is the user data string.

    Network connection priority in the range 0 through 9.

    The filter value is the integer priority value.

    Whether the channel supports fast non persistent messages.

    The filter value is one of the following:

      The channel supports fast non persistent messages.

      The channel does not support fast non persistent messages.

    Whether the user identifier in the context information should be used.

    The filter value is one of the following:

      No authority check is made before the message is put on the destination queue.

      The user identifier in the message context information is used to establish authority to put the message.

    The internally generated unique name of the cluster queue manager.

    The filter value is the unique name.

    The function of the cluster queue manager in the cluster.

    The filter value is one of the following:

      Provides a full repository service.

      Does not provide a full repository service.

    Receive exit name.

    The filter value is the exit name.

    Receive exit user data.

    The filter value is the user data string.

    Security exit name.

    The filter value is the exit name.

    Security exit user data.

    The filter value is the user data string.

    Maximum message sequence number.

    The filter value is the integer sequence number.

    Short retry count.

    The filter value is the integer count.

    short retry interval in seconds.

    The filter value is the integer interval time.

    Send exit name.

    The filter value is the exit name.

    Send exit user data.

    The filter value is the user data string.

    Whether the channel should carry out client authentication over TLS.

    The filter value is one of the following:

      Client authentication is required.

      Client authentication is optional.

    The CipherSpec using in TLS channel negotiation.

    The filter value is the name of the CipherSpec.

    The X500 peer name used in TLS channel negotiation.

    The filter value is the peer name.

    Channel Statistics.

    The filter value is one of the following:

      The collection of statistics data is inherited from the setting of the queue manager attribute STATCHL.

      Statistics data collection for this channel is disabled.

      Statistics data collection is turned on with a low ratio of data collection.

      Statistics data collection is turned on with a moderate ratio of data collection.

      Statistics data collection is turned on with a high ratio of data collection.

    The current status of the channel for this cluster queue manager.

    The filter value is one of the following:

      The channel is waiting to become active.

      The channel is performing channel negotiation.

      The channel is not active.

      The channel initiator is attempting to start a channel.

      The channel is either transferring messages, or is waiting for messages to arrive on the transmission queue.

      The channel is stopping, or a close request has been received.

      A previous attempt to establish a connection has failed. The MCA will reattempt connection after the specified time interval.

      The channel is waiting for the message-retry interval to complete before retrying an MQPUT operation.

      The channel has either been manually stopped, or the retry limit has been reached.

      A local requester channel is requesting services from a remote MCA.

    Whether this cluster queue manager is suspended from the cluster or not.

    The filter value is either *NO or *YES.

    Descriptive comment.

    The filter value is the text description of the channel.

    Transmission queue name.

    The filter value is the name of the queue.

    Task user identifier.

    The filter value is the user identifier string.

    Name of cluster transmission queue.

    The filter value is the transmission queue name string.