Copy MQ Queue (CPYMQMQ)

    Where allowed to run
    All environments (*ALL)


The Copy MQ Queue ( CPYMQMQ ) command creates a queue definition of the same type and, for attributes not specified in the command, with the same attribute values as an existing queue definition.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
FROMQ From queue name Character value Required, Key, Positional 1
TOQ To queue name Character value Required, Key, Positional 2
MQMNAME Message Queue Manager name Character value, *DFT Optional, Key, Positional 3
QTYPE Queue type Character value Optional, Positional 4
REPLACE Replace *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 5
TEXT Text 'description' Character value, *BLANK, *SAME Optional, Positional 6
PUTENBL Put enabled *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 7
DFTPTY Default message priority 0-9, *SAME Optional, Positional 8
DFTMSGPST Default message persistence *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 9
PRCNAME Process name Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional, Positional 10
TRGENBL Triggering enabled *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 11
GETENBL Get enabled *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 12
SHARE Sharing enabled *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 13
DFTSHARE Default share option *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 14
MSGDLYSEQ Message delivery sequence *SAME, *PTY, *FIFO Optional, Positional 15
HDNBKTCNT Harden backout count *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 16
TRGTYPE Trigger type *SAME, *FIRST, *ALL, *DEPTH, *NONE Optional, Positional 17
TRGDEPTH Trigger depth 1-999999999, *SAME Optional, Positional 18
TRGMSGPTY Trigger message priority 0-9, *SAME Optional, Positional 19
TRGDATA Trigger data Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional, Positional 20
RTNITV Retention interval 0-999999999, *SAME Optional, Positional 21
MAXDEPTH Maximum queue depth 0-999999999, *SAME Optional, Positional 22
MAXMSGLEN Maximum message length 0-104857600, *SAME Optional, Positional 23
BKTTHLD Backout threshold 0-999999999, *SAME Optional, Positional 24
BKTQNAME Backout requeue name Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional, Positional 25
INITQNAME Initiation queue Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional, Positional 26
USAGE Usage *SAME, *NORMAL, *TMQ Optional, Positional 27
DFNTYPE Definition type *SAME, *TEMPDYN, *PERMDYN Optional, Positional 28
TGTQNAME Target object Character value, *SAME Optional, Positional 29
RMTQNAME Remote queue Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional, Positional 30
RMTMQMNAME Remote Message Queue Manager Character value, *SAME Optional, Positional 31
TMQNAME Transmission queue Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional, Positional 32
HIGHTHLD Queue depth high threshold 0-100, *SAME Optional, Positional 33
LOWTHLD Queue depth low threshold 0-100, *SAME Optional, Positional 34
FULLEVT Queue full events enabled *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 35
HIGHEVT Queue high events enabled *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 36
LOWEVT Queue low events enabled *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 37
SRVITV Service interval 0-999999999, *SAME Optional, Positional 38
SRVEVT Service interval events *SAME, *HIGH, *OK, *NONE Optional, Positional 39
DISTLIST Distribution list support *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 40
CLUSTER Cluster Name Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional, Positional 41
CLUSNL Cluster Name List Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional, Positional 42
DEFBIND Default Binding *SAME, *OPEN, *NOTFIXED, *GROUP Optional, Positional 43
CLWLRANK Cluster Workload Rank 0-9, *SAME Optional, Positional 44
CLWLPRTY Cluster Workload Priority 0-9, *SAME Optional, Positional 45
CLWLUSEQ Cluster workload queue use *SAME, *QMGR, *LOCAL, *ANY Optional, Positional 46
MONQ Queue Monitoring *SAME, *QMGR, *OFF, *LOW, *MEDIUM, *HIGH Optional, Positional 47
STATQ Queue Statistics *SAME, *QMGR, *OFF, *ON Optional, Positional 48
ACCTQ Queue Accounting *SAME, *QMGR, *OFF, *ON Optional, Positional 49
NPMCLASS Non Persistent Message Class *SAME, *NORMAL, *HIGH Optional, Positional 50
MSGREADAHD Message Read Ahead *SAME, *DISABLED, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 51
DFTPUTRESP Default Put Response *SAME, *SYNC, *ASYNC Optional, Positional 52
PROPCTL Property Control *SAME, *COMPAT, *NONE, *ALL, *FORCE, *V6COMPAT Optional, Positional 53
TARGTYPE Target Type *SAME, *QUEUE, *TOPIC Optional, Positional 54
CUSTOM Custom attribute Character value, *BLANK, *SAME Optional, Positional 55
CLCHNAME Cluster-sender channel name Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional, Positional 56

From queue name (FROMQ)

Specifies the name of the existing queue definition, to provide values for the attributes not specified in this command.

The possible values are:

    Specify the name of the source queue.

To queue name (TOQ)

Specifies the name of the new queue definition. The name can contain a maximum of 48 characters. Queue name and type combinations must be unique; if a queue definition already exists with the name and type of the new queue, REPLACE(*YES) must be specified.

Note: The field length is 48 bytes and the maximum number of characters is reduced if the system is using a double byte character set (DBCS).

The possible values are:

    Specify the name of the queue being created.

Message Queue Manager name (MQMNAME)

Specifies the name of the message queue manager.

The possible values are:

    Use the default queue manager.

    Specify the name of the queue manager.

Queue type (QTYPE)

Specifies the type of queue that is to be copied.

The possible values are:

    An alias queue.

    A local queue.

    A remote queue.

    A model queue.

Replace (REPLACE)

Specifies whether the new queue will replace an existing queue definition with the same name and type.

The possible values are:

    Do not replace the existing queue definition. The command fails if the named queue already exists.

    Replace the existing queue definition with the attributes of the FROMQ and the specified attributes.

    The command fails if an application has the queue open or the USAGE attribute is changed.

    Note: If the queue is a local queue, and a queue with the same name already exists, any messages already on that queue are retained.

Text 'description' (TEXT)

Specifies text that briefly describes the object.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The text is set to a blank string.

    Specify no more than 64 characters enclosed in apostrophes.

    Note: The field length is 64 bytes and the maximum number of characters is reduced if the system is using a double byte character set (DBCS).

Put enabled (PUTENBL)

Specifies whether messages can be put on the queue.

Note: An application program can issue a call to MQSET to change the value of this attribute.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Messages cannot be added to the queue.

    Messages can be added to the queue by authorized applications.

Default message priority (DFTPTY)

Specifies the default priority of messages put on the queue.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value ranging from 0 through 9, where 9 is the highest priority.

Default message persistence (DFTMSGPST)

Specifies the default for message-persistence on the queue. Message persistence determines whether messages are preserved across restarts of the queue manager.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    By default, messages are lost across a restart of the queue manager.

    By default, messages are preserved across a restart of the queue manager.

Process name (PRCNAME)

Specifies the local name of the MQ process that identifies the application that should be started when a trigger event occurs.

The process does not have to be available when the queue is created, but it must be available for a trigger event to occur.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The process name is blank.

    Specify the name of the MQ process.

Triggering enabled (TRGENBL)

Specifies whether trigger messages are written to the initiation queue.

Note: An application program can issue a call to MQSET to change the value of this attribute.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Triggering is not enabled. Trigger messages are not written to the initiation queue.

    Triggering is enabled. Trigger messages are written to the initiation queue.

Get enabled (GETENBL)

Specifies whether applications are to be permitted to get messages from this queue.

Note: An application program can issue a call to MQSET to change the value of this attribute.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Applications cannot retrieve messages from the queue.

    Suitably authorized applications can retrieve messages from the queue.

Sharing enabled (SHARE)

Specifies whether multiple instances of applications can open this queue for input simultaneously.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Only a single application instance can open the queue for input.

    More than one application instance can open the queue for input.

Default share option (DFTSHARE)

Specifies the default share option for applications opening this queue for input.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    By default, the open request is for exclusive use of the queue for input.

    By default, the open request is for shared use of the queue for input.

Message delivery sequence (MSGDLYSEQ)

Specifies the message delivery sequence.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Messages are delivered in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order within priority.

    Messages are delivered in FIFO order regardless of priority.

Harden backout count (HDNBKTCNT)

Specifies whether the count of backed out messages is saved (hardened) across restarts of the message queue manager.

Note: On IBM MQ for IBM i the count is ALWAYS hardened, regardless of the setting of this attribute.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The backout count is not hardened.

    The backout count is hardened.

Trigger type (TRGTYPE)

Specifies the condition that initiates a trigger event. When the condition is true, a trigger message is sent to the initiation queue.

Note: An application program can issue a call to MQSET to change the value of this attribute.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    When the number of messages on the queue goes from 0 to 1.

    Every time a message arrives on the queue.

    When the number of messages on the queue equals the value of the TRGDEPTH attribute.

    No trigger messages are written.

Trigger depth (TRGDEPTH)

Specifies, for TRIGTYPE(*DEPTH), the number of messages that initiate a trigger message to the initiation queue.

Note: An application program can issue a call to MQSET to change the value of this attribute.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value ranging from 1 through 999999999.

Trigger message priority (TRGMSGPTY)

Specifies the minimum priority that a message must have before it can produce, or be counted for, a trigger event.

Note: An application program can issue a call to MQSET to change the value of this attribute.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value ranging from 0 through 9, where 9 is the highest priority.

Trigger data (TRGDATA)

Specifies up to 64 characters of user data that the queue manager includes in the trigger message. This data is made available to the monitoring application that processes the initiation queue, and to the application started by the monitor.

Note: An application program can issue a call to MQSET to change the value of this attribute.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    No trigger data is specified.

    Specify up to 64 characters enclosed in apostrophes. For a transmission queue we can use this parameter to specify the name of the channel to be started.

    Note: The field length is 64 bytes and the maximum number of characters is reduced if the system is using a double byte character set (DBCS).

Retention interval (RTNITV)

Specifies the retention interval. This interval is the number of hours for which the queue might be needed, based on the date and time when the queue was created.

This information is available to a housekeeping application or an operator and can be used to determine when a queue is no longer required.

Note: The message queue manager does not delete queues, nor does it prevent your queues from being deleted if their retention interval has not expired. It is your responsibility to take any required action.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value ranging from 0 through 999999999.

Maximum queue depth (MAXDEPTH)

Specifies the maximum number of messages allowed on the queue. However, other factors can cause the queue to be treated as full; for example, it appears to be full if there is no storage available for a message.

Note: If this value is subsequently reduced by using the CHGMQMQ command, any messages that are on the queue remain intact even if they cause the new maximum to be exceeded.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value ranging from 0 through 999999999.

Maximum message length (MAXMSGLEN)

Specifies the maximum length for messages on the queue.

Note: If this value is subsequently reduced by using the CHGMQMQ command, any messages that are on the queue remain intact even if they exceed the new maximum length.

Applications might use the value of this attribute to determine the size of buffer they need to retrieve messages from the queue. Therefore change the value only if you know this will not cause an application to operate incorrectly.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value ranging from 0 through 100 MB in bytes. The default is 4MB.

Backout threshold (BKTTHLD)

Specifies the backout threshold.

Applications running inside of WebSphere Application Server and those that use the IBM MQ Application Server Facilities will use this attribute to determine if a message should be backed out. For all other applications, apart from allowing this attribute to be queried, the queue manager takes no action based on the value of the attribute.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value ranging from 0 through 999999999.

Backout requeue name (BKTQNAME)

Specifies the backout-queue name.

Applications running inside of WebSphere Application Server and those that use the IBM MQ Application Server Facilities will use this attribute to determine where messages that have been backed out should go. For all other applications, apart from allowing this attribute to be queried, the queue manager takes no action based on the value of the attribute.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    No backout queue is specified.

    Specify the backout queue name.

Initiation queue (INITQNAME)

Specifies the name of the initiation queue.

Note: The initiation queue must be on the same instance of a message queue manager.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    No initiation queue is specified.

    Specify the initiation queue name.

Usage (USAGE)

Specifies whether the queue is for normal usage, or for transmitting messages to a remote message queue manager.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Normal usage (the queue is not a transmission queue)

    The queue is a transmission queue that is used to hold messages destined for a remote message queue manager. If the queue is intended for use in situations where a transmission queue name is not explicitly specified, the queue name must be the same as the name of the remote message queue manager. For further information, see IBM MQ Intercommunication.

Definition type (DFNTYPE)

Specifies the type of dynamic queue definition that is created when an application issues an MQOPEN API call with the name of this model queue specified in the object descriptor.

Note: This parameter only applies to a model queue definition.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    A temporary dynamic queue is created. This value should not be specified with a DEFMSGPST value of *YES.

    A permanent dynamic queue is created.

Target object (TGTQNAME)

Specifies the name of the object for which this queue is an alias.

The object can be a local or remote queue, a topic or a message queue manager.

Note: The target object does not need to exist at this time but it must exist when a process attempts to open the alias queue.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify the name of the target object.

Remote queue (RMTQNAME)

Specifies the name of the remote queue. That is, the local name of the remote queue as defined on the queue manager specified by RMTMQMNAME.

If this definition is used for a queue manager alias definition, RMTQNAME must be blank when the open occurs.

If this definition is used for a reply-to alias, this name is the name of the queue that is to be the reply-to queue.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    No remote-queue name is specified (that is, the name is blank). This can be used if the definition is a queue manager alias definition.

    Specify the name of the queue at the remote queue manager.

    Note: The name is not checked to ensure that it contains only those characters normally allowed for queue names.

Remote Message Queue Manager (RMTMQMNAME)

Specifies the name of the remote queue manager on which the queue RMTQNAME is defined.

If an application opens the local definition of a remote queue, RMTMQMNAME must not be the name of the connected queue manager. If TMQNAME is blank there must be a local queue of this name, which is to be used as the transmission queue.

If this definition is used for a queue manager alias, RMTMQMNAME is the name of the queue manager, which can be the name of the connected queue manager. Otherwise, if TMQNAME is blank, when the queue is opened there must be a local queue of this name, with USAGE(*TMQ) specified, which is to be used as the transmission queue.

If this definition is used for a reply-to alias, this name is the name of the queue manager that is to be the reply-to queue manager.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify the name of the remote queue manager.

    Note: Ensure this name contains only those characters normally allowed for queue manager names.

Transmission queue (TMQNAME)

Specifies the local name of the transmission queue to be used for messages destined for the remote queue, for either a remote queue or for a queue manager alias definition.

If TMQNAME is blank, a queue with the same name as RMTMQMNAME is used as the transmission queue.

This attribute is ignored if the definition is being used as a queue manager alias and RMTMQMNAME is the name of the connected queue manager.

It is also ignored if the definition is used as a reply-to queue alias definition.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    No specific transmission queue name is defined for this remote queue. The value of this attribute is set to all blanks.

    Specify the transmission queue name.

Queue depth high threshold (HIGHTHLD)

Specifies the threshold against which the queue depth is compared to generate a queue depth high event.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value ranging from 0 through 100. This value is used as a percentage of the maximum queue depth (MAXDEPTH parameter).

Queue depth low threshold (LOWTHLD)

Specifies the threshold against which the queue depth is compared to generate a queue depth low event.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value ranging from 0 through 100. This value is used as a percentage of the maximum queue depth (MAXDEPTH parameter).

Queue full events enabled (FULLEVT)

Specifies whether queue full events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Queue full events are not generated.

    Queue full events are generated.

Queue high events enabled (HIGHEVT)

Specifies whether queue depth high events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Queue depth high events are not generated.

    Queue depth high events are generated.

Queue low events enabled (LOWEVT)

Specifies whether queue depth low events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Queue depth low events are not generated.

    Queue depth low events are generated.

Service interval (SRVITV)

Specifies the service interval. This interval is used for comparison to generate service interval high and service interval OK events.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value ranging from 0 through 999999999. The value is in units of milliseconds.

Service interval events (SRVEVT)

Specifies whether service interval high or service interval OK events are generated.

A service interval high event is generated when a check indicates that no messages have been retrieved from the queue for the time indicated by the SRVITV parameter as a minimum.

A service interval OK event is generated when a check indicates that messages have been retrieved from the queue within the time indicated by the SRVITV parameter.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Service interval high events are generated.

    Service interval OK events are generated.

    No service interval events are generated.

Distribution list support (DISTLIST)

Specifies whether the queue supports distribution lists.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The queue will not support distribution lists.

    The queue will support distribution lists.

Cluster Name (CLUSTER)

The name of the cluster to which the queue belongs.

Changes to this parameter do not affect instances of the queue that are already open.

This parameter cannot be set for dynamic, transmission, SYSTEM.CHANNEL.xx, SYSTEM.CLUSTER.xx or SYSTEM.COMMAND.xx queues.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Only one of the resultant values of CLUSTER or CLUSNL can be non-blank; we cannot specify a value for both.

Cluster Name List (CLUSNL)

The name of the namelist which specifies a list of clusters to which the queue belongs. Changes to this parameter do not affect instances of the queue that are already open.

This parameter cannot be set for dynamic, transmission, SYSTEM.CHANNEL.xx, SYSTEM.CLUSTER.xx or SYSTEM.COMMAND.xx queues.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Only one of the resultant values of CLUSTER or CLUSNL can be non-blank; we cannot specify a value for both.

Default Binding (DEFBIND)

Specifies the binding to be used when the application specifies MQOO_BIND_AS_Q_DEF on the MQOPEN call and the queue is a cluster queue.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The queue handle is bound to a specific instance of the cluster queue when the queue is opened.

    The queue handle is not bound to any particular instance of the cluster queue. This allows the queue manager to select a specific queue instance when the message is put using MQPUT and to change that selection subsequently if necessary.

    The MQPUT1 call always behaves as if NOTFIXED had been specified.

    When the queue is opened, the queue handle is bound to a specific instance of the cluster queue for as long as there are messages in a message group. All messages in a message group are allocated to the same destination instance.

Cluster Workload Rank (CLWLRANK)

Specifies the cluster workload rank of the queue.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value ranging from 0 through 9.

Cluster Workload Priority (CLWLPRTY)

Specifies the cluster workload priority of the queue.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value ranging from 0 through 9.

Cluster workload queue use (CLWLUSEQ)

Specifies the behavior of an MQPUT when the target queue has both a local instance and at least one remote cluster instance. If the put originates from a cluster channel then this attribute does not apply.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The value is inherited from the Queue Manager CLWLUSEQ attribute.

    The local queue will be the sole target of the MQPUT.

    The queue manager will treat such a local queue as another instance of the cluster queue for the purposes of workload distribution.

Queue Monitoring (MONQ)

Controls the collection of Online Monitoring Data.

Online Monitoring Data is not collected when the queue manager attribute MONQ is set to *NONE.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The collection of online monitoring data is inherited from the setting of the queue manager attribute MONQ.

    Online monitoring data collection for this queue is disabled.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a low ratio of data collection.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a moderate ratio of data collection.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a high ratio of data collection.

Queue Statistics (STATQ)

Controls the collection of statistics data.

Online monitoring data is not collected when the queue manager attribute STATQ is set to *NONE.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Statistics data collection is based upon the setting of the queue manager attribute STATQ.

    Statistics data collection for this queue is disabled.

    Statistics data collection is enabled for this queue.

Queue Accounting (ACCTQ)

Controls the collection of accouting data.

Accounting data is not collected when the queue manager attribute ACCTQ is set to *NONE.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Accouting data collection is based upon the setting of the queue manager attribute ACCTQ.

    Accounting data collection for this queue is disabled.

    Accounting data collection is enabled for this queue.

Non Persistent Message Class (NPMCLASS)

Specifies the level of reliability for non-persistent messages put to this queue.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Non-persistent messages put to this queue are only lost following a failure, or a queue manager shutdown. Non-persistent message put to this queue will be discarded in the event of a queue manager restart.

    Non-persistent messages put to this queue are not discarded in the event of a queue manager restart. Non-persistent messages put to this queue may still be lost in the event of a failure.

Message Read Ahead (MSGREADAHD)

Specifies whether non persistent messages are sent to the client ahead of an application requesting them.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Read ahead is disabled for this queue. Messages are not sent to the client ahead of an application requesting them regardless of whether read ahead is requested by the client application.

    Non-persistent messages are not sent to the client ahead of an application requesting them. A maximum of one non-persistent message can be lost if the client ends abnormally.

    Non-persistent messages are sent to the client ahead of an application requesting them. Non-persistent messages can be lost if the client ends abnormally or if the client application does not consume all the messages it is sent.

Default Put Response (DFTPUTRESP)

The default put response type (DFTPUTRESP) attribute specifies the type of response required for MQPUT and MQPUT1 calls when applications specify the MQPMO_RESPONSE_AS_Q_DEF option.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specifying this value ensures that the put operations to the queue that specify MQPMO_RESPONSE_AS_Q_DEF are issued as if MQPMO_SYNC_RESPONSE had been specified instead. Fields in the MQMD and MQPMO are returned by the queue manager to the application. This is the default value supplied with IBM MQ, but your installation might have changed it.

    Specifying this value ensures that the put operations to the queue that specify MQPMO_RESPONSE_AS_Q_DEF are always issued as if MQPMO_ASYNC_RESPONSE had been specified instead. Some fields in the MQMD and MQPMO are not returned by the queue manager to the application; but an improvement in performance may be seen for messages put in a transaction or any non-persistent messages.

Property Control (PROPCTL)

Specifies what happens to properties of messages that are retrieved from queues using the MQGET call when the MQGMO_PROPERTIES_AS_Q_DEF option is specified.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    If the message contains a property with a prefix of mcd., jms., usr. or mqext. then all message properties are delivered to the application in an MQRFH2 header. Otherwise all properties of the message, except those contained in the message descriptor (or extension), are discarded and are no longer accessible to the application.

    All properties of the message, except those contained in the message descriptor (or extension), are discarded and are no longer accessible to the application.

    All properties of the message, except those contained in the message descriptor (or extension), are contained in one or more MQRFH2 headers in the message data.

    Properties are always returned in the message data in an MQRFH2 header regardless of whether the application specifies a message handle.

    When set, *V6COMPAT must be set both on one of the queue definitions resolved by MQPUT and one of the queue definitions resolved by MQGET. It must also be set on any other intervening transmission queues. It causes an MQRFH2 header to be passed unchanged from the sending application to the receiving application. It overrides other settings of PROPCTL found in a queue name resolution chain. If the property is set on a cluster queue, the setting is not cached locally on other queue managers. You must set *V6COMPAT on an alias queue that resolves to the cluster queue. Define the alias queue on the same queue manager that the putting application is connected to.

Target Type (TARGTYPE)

Specifies the type of object to which the alias resolves.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Queue object.

    Topic object.

Custom attribute (CUSTOM)

This attribute is reserved for the configuration of new features before separate attributes have been introduced. This description will be updated when features using this attribute are introduced. At the moment there are no meaningful values for CUSTOM, so leave it empty.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The text is set to a blank string.

    Specify zero or more attributes as pairs of attribute name and value, separated by at least one space. The attribute name-value pairs must have the form NAME(VALUE) and be specified in uppercase. Single quotes must be escaped with another single quote.


This parameter is supported only on transmission queues.

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The attribute is removed.

    cluster-sender channel name
    ClusterChannelName is the generic name of the cluster-sender channels that use this queue as a transmission queue. The attribute specifies which cluster-sender channels send messages to a cluster-receiver channel from this cluster transmission queue.

By specifying asterisks, *, in ClusterChannelName, we can associate a transmission queue with a set of cluster-sender channels. The asterisks can be at the beginning, end, or any number of places in the middle of the channel name string. ClusterChannelName is limited to a length of 20 characters: MQ_CHANNEL_NAME_LENGTH.