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Copy MQ Listener (CPYMQMLSR)

The Copy MQ Listener (CPYMQMLSR) command creates an MQ listener definition of the same type and, for attributes not specified in the command, with the same attribute values as an existing listener definition.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
FROMLSR From Listener Character value Required, Key, Positional 1
TOLSR To Listener Character value Required, Key, Positional 2
MQMNAME Message Queue Manager name Character value, *DFT Optional, Key, Positional 3
REPLACE Replace *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 4
TEXT Text 'description' Character value, *BLANK, *SAME Optional, Positional 5
CONTROL Listener control *SAME, *MANUAL, *QMGR, *STARTONLY Optional, Positional 6
PORT Port number 0-65535, *SAME Optional, Positional 7
IPADDR IP Address Character value, *BLANK, *SAME Optional, Positional 8
BACKLOG Listener backlog 0-999999999, *SAME Optional, Positional 9

From Listener (FROMLSR)

Specifies the name of the existing listener definition to provide values for the attributes not specified in this command.

The possible values are:

To Listener (TOLSR)

Specifies the name of the new listener definition to be created. The name can contain a maximum of 48 characters.

If a listener definition with this name already exists, REPLACE(*YES) must be specified.

The possible values are:

Message Queue Manager name (MQMNAME)

Specifies the name of the queue manager.

The possible values are:

Replace (REPLACE)

Specifies whether the new listener definition will replace an existing listener definition with the same name.

The possible values are:

Text 'description' (TEXT)

Specifies text that briefly describes the listener definition.

Note: The field length is 64 bytes and the maximum number of characters is reduced if the system is using a double-byte character set (DBCS).

The possible values are:

Listener control (CONTROL)

Whether the listener starts automatically when the queue manager is started.

The possible values are:

Port number (PORT)

The port number to be used by the listener.

The possible values are:

IP Address (IPADDR)

The IP address to be used by the listener.

The possible values are:

Listener backlog (BACKLOG)

The number of concurrent connection requests the listener supports.

The possible values are:



Error messages
