runswchl (switch cluster channel)

runswchl (switch cluster channel) on UNIX, Linux , and Windows.


The command switches or queries the cluster transmission queues associated with cluster-sender channels.

Usage notes

You must log on as an Administrator to run this command.

The command switches all the stopped or inactive cluster-sender channels that match the -c parameter, require switching, and can be switched. The command reports back on the channels that are switched, the channels that do not require switching, and the channels it cannot switch because they are not stopped or inactive.

If you set the -q parameter, the command does not perform the switch, but it provides the list of channels that would be switched.


runswchl -m ? QmgrName -c?*-c?GenericChannelName-c?ChannelName -q-n

Required parameters

    -m QmgrName
    The queue manager to run the command against. The queue manager must be started.
    -c *
    All the cluster-sender channels
    -c GenericChannelName
    All matching cluster-sender channels
    -c ChannelName
    Single cluster-sender channel.

Optional parameters

    Display the state of one or more channels. If you omit this parameter, the commands switches any stopped or inactive channels that require switching.
    When switching transmission queues, do not transfer messages from the old queue to the new transmission queue. Note: Take care with the -n option: messages on the old transmission queue are not transferred unless you associate the transmission queue with another cluster-sender channel.

Return codes

    The command completed successfully

    The command completed with warnings.

    The command completed with errors.


To display the configuration state of cluster-sender channel TO.QM2:
RUNSWCHL -m QM1 -c TO.QM2 -q
To switch the transmission queue for cluster-sender channel TO.QM3 without moving the messages on it:
RUNSWCHL -m QM1 -c TO.QM3 -n
To switch the transmission queue for cluster-sender channel TO.QM3 and move the messages on it:
To display the configuration state of all cluster-sender channels on QM1:
RUNSWCHL -m QM1 -c * -q
To display the configuration state of all cluster-sender channels with a generic name of TO.*:
RUNSWCHL -m QM1 -c TO.* -q