Verifying the IBM MQ Version 9.0 installation

After installing IBM MQ Version 9.0, use IBM MQ Explorer to verify that the queue managers and queues have successfully migrated from the earlier release then verify that we can use the sample application.

When we have checked that the migrated queue manager, sampleQM, is visible in the Navigator view of IBM MQ Explorer, verify that we can put a message to and get a message from the migrated queue, then check that we can still run the sample application.


  1. If IBM MQ Explorer is not running, start it now. Click Start > All Programs > IBM MQ > IBM MQ Explorer.
  2. Verify that your queue managers have been successfully migrated to IBM MQ Version 9.0:
    1. In the Navigator view, expand the Queue Managers folder.
    2. Check that we can see the queue manager sampleQM in the Queue Managers folder.
    3. Expand queue manager sampleQM, click the Queues folder, and check that we can see queue Q1 in the Content view.
  3. If queue manager sampleQM is not already started, start it now.
    1. In the Navigator view, expand the queue managers node.
    2. Right-click queue manager sampleQM, then click Start.
  4. Verify that we can put a message to queue Q1.
    1. In the Navigator view, expand the Queue Managers folder.
    2. Expand queue manager sampleQM, then click the Queues folder.
    3. In the Content view, right-click queue Q1, then click Put Test Message. The Put test message dialog opens.
    4. In the Message data field, type some text, for example Hello queue!, then click Put message. The Message data field is cleared and the message is put on the queue.
    5. Click Close. In the Content view, notice that the Current queue depth value of the queue is now 1. If the Current queue depth column is not visible, you might need to scroll to the right of the Content view.
  5. Verify that we can get the message from queue Q1.
    1. In the Navigator view, expand the Queue Managers folder,
    2. Expand queue manager sampleQM then click the Queues folder.
    3. In the Content view, right-click queue Q1, then click Browse Messages. The Message browser opens to show the list of the messages that are currently on the queue.
    4. Double-click the last message to open the properties dialog. On the Data page of the properties dialog, the Message data field displays the content of the message in human-readable form.
  6. Verify that we can run the sample application.
    1. Double-click the runresponder.cmd file. In the command prompt window, labeled Responder window, the responder client starts then waits for a message.
      > Connection factory located in JNDI.
      > Destination located in JNDI.
      > Creating connection to QueueManager.
      > Created connection.
      > Waiting for message.
    2. Double-click the runrequester.cmd file. In the Requester window, observe the requester messages. In the Responder window, observe the updated responder messages; the message it received (from the requester client) and the reply message that it sent.
    In the command prompt window, labeled Requester window, the requester client shows the connection status, the message it sent, then the reply message that it received from the responder client:
    > Connection factory located in JNDI.
    > Destination located in JNDI.
    > Creating connection to QueueManager.
    > Connection created.
    > Sending stock request for 'BakedBeans'
    > Sent Message ID=ID:414d5120514d5f4c33344c3238482020c3cd094d20002b02
    > Received Message ID=ID:414d5120514d5f4c33344c3238482020c3cd094d20002902 for 'B
    akedBeans - 15 tins in stock'
    > Closing connection to QueueManager.
    > Closed Connection.
    In this window, observe the messages sent through IBM MQ:
    - The request message sent
    - The reply message received
    When ready, press any key to close this window
    Press any key to continue . . .
    In the Responder window, observe the updated responder messages; the message it received (from the requester client) and the reply message that it sent:
    > Connection factory located in JNDI.
    > Destination located in JNDI.
    > Creating connection to QueueManager.
    > Created connection.
    > Waiting for message.
    > Received Message ID=ID:414d5120514d5f4c33344c3238482020c3cd094d20002b02 for 'B
    > Sending Reply Message 'BakedBeans - 15 tins in stock'
    > Sent Message ID=ID:414d5120514d5f4c33344c3238482020c3cd094d20002902
    > Closing connection to QueueManager.
    > Closed connection.
    In this window, observe the updated responder messages
    - The request message received (from the requester)
    - The reply message sent
    When ready, press any key to close this window
    Press any key to continue . . .

    The messages shown in the two command windows verify that the requester and responder clients of the sample application can communicate with each other through IBM MQ.


You have successfully migrated to IBM MQ Version 9.0.

What to do next

For more information about migrating and upgrading see Maintain and migrate.