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SMF records for the channel initiator

The channel initiator (CHINIT) can produce SMF statistics records and accounting records with information on tasks and channels.

The CHINIT can produce SMF statistics records and accounting records with the following types of information:

IBM MQ for Multiplatforms provides similar information by writing PCF messages to the SYSTEM.ADMIN.STATISTICS.QUEUE. See Channel statistics message data for further information on how statistics information is recorded on IBM MQ for Multiplatforms.

Statistics data

We can use this information to find out the following information:

Accounting data

We can use this information to monitor channel usage and find out the following information:

We use the START TRACE and STOP TRACE commands to control the collection of the accounting trace and the statistics trace. We can use the STATCHL and STATACLS options on the channel and queue manager to control whether channels produce SMF data. Note: You do not have to set OPMODE to NEWFUNC in order to enable the collection of SMF records for the channel initiator.