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Building libraries for use with TXSeries for Multiplatforms

Use this information when building libraries for use with TXSeries® for Multiplatforms.

Pre-built switch load files are shared libraries (called DLLs on the Windows system) that we can use with CICS® programs, which require a 2-phase commit transaction by using the XA protocol. The names of these pre-built libraries are in the table Essential code for CICS applications: XA initialization routine. Sample source code is also supplied in the following directories:
Table 1. Installation directories on Windows, UNIX and Linux operating systems
Platform Directory Source file
UNIX and Linux MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/samp/ amqzscix.c
Windows MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\Tools\c\Samples amqzscin.c
where MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH is the directory in which you installed IBM MQ . To build the switch load file from the sample source, follow the instructions appropriate for your operating system: