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Availability of cluster topic host queue managers

Design your publish/subscribe cluster to minimize the risk that, should a topic host queue manager become unavailable, the cluster will no longer be able to process traffic for the topic. The effect of a topic host queue manager becoming unavailable depends on whether the cluster is using topic host routing or direct routing.

Availability of topic host queue managers that use direct routing

For direct routing, we do not usually define the same cluster topic on more than one cluster queue manager. This is because direct routing makes the topic available at all queue managers in the cluster, no matter which queue manager it was defined on.See Multiple cluster topic definitions in a direct routed cluster.

In a cluster, whenever the host of a clustered object (for example a clustered queue or clustered topic) becomes unavailable for a prolonged period of time, the other members of the cluster will eventually expire the knowledge of those objects. In the case of a clustered topic, if the cluster topic host queue manager becomes unavailable, the other queue managers continue to process publish/subscribe requests for the topic in a direct clustered way (that is, sending publications to subscriptions on remote queue managers) for at least 60 days from when the topic hosting queue manager was last in communication with the full repository queue managers. If the queue manager on which you defined the cluster topic object is never made available again, then eventually the cached topic objects on the other queue managers are deleted and the topic reverts to a local topic, in which case subscriptions cease to receive publications from applications connected to remote queue managers.

With the 60 day period to recover the queue manager on which you define a cluster topic object, there is little need to take special measures to guarantee that a cluster topic host remains available (note, however, that any subscriptions defined on the unavailable cluster topic host do not remain available). The 60 day period is sufficient to cater for technical problems, and is likely to be exceeded only because of administrative errors. To mitigate that possibility, if the cluster topic host is unavailable, all members of the cluster write error log messages hourly, stating that their cached cluster topic object was not refreshed. Respond to these messages by making sure that the queue manager on which the cluster topic object is defined, is running. If it is not possible to make the cluster topic host queue manager available again, define the same clustered topic definition, with exactly the same attributes, on another queue manager in the cluster.

Availability of topic host queue managers that use topic host routing

For topic host routing, all publish/subscribe messaging for a topic is routed through the queue managers where that topic is defined. For this reason, it is very important to consider the continual availability of these queue managers in the cluster. If a topic host becomes unavailable, and no other host exists for the topic, traffic from publishers to subscribers on different queue managers in the cluster immediately halts for the topic. If additional topic hosts are available, the cluster queue managers route new publication traffic through these topic hosts, providing continuous availability of message routes.

As for direct topics, after 60 days, if the first topic host is still unavailable, knowledge of that topic host's topic is removed from the cluster. If this is the last remaining definition for this topic in the cluster, all other queue managers cease to forward publications to any topic host for routing.

To ensure adequate availability and scalability it is therefore useful, if possible, to define each topic on at least two cluster queue managers. This gives protection against any given topic host queue manager becoming unavailable. See also Multiple cluster topic definitions in a topic host routed cluster.

If we cannot configure multiple topic hosts (for example because you need to preserve message ordering), and we cannot configure just one topic host (because the availability of a single queue manager must not affect the flow of publications to subscriptions across all queue managers in the cluster), consider configuring the topic as a direct routed topic. This avoids reliance on a single queue manager for the whole cluster, but does still require each individual queue manager to be available in order for it to process locally hosted subscriptions and publishers.