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Clustering: Topology design considerations

This topic provides guidance for planning and administering IBM MQ clusters. This information is a guide based on testing and feedback from customers.

By thinking about where user applications and internal administrative processes are going to be located in advance, many problems can either be avoided, or minimized at a later date. This topic contains information about design decisions that can improve performance, and simplify maintenance tasks as the cluster scales.

Performance of the clustering infrastructure

When an application tries to open a queue on a queue manager in a cluster, the queue manager registers its interest with the full repositories for that queue so that it can learn where the queue exists in the cluster. Any updates to the queue location or configuration are automatically sent by the full repositories to the interested queue manager. This registering of interest is internally known as a subscription (these subscriptions are not the same as IBM MQ subscriptions used for publish/subscribe messaging in IBM MQ )

All information about a cluster goes through every full repository. Full repositories are therefore always being used in a cluster for administrative message traffic. The high usage of system resources when managing these subscriptions, and the transmission of them and the resulting configuration messages, can cause a considerable load on the clustering infrastructure. There are a number of things to consider when ensuring that this load is understood and minimized wherever possible:

Full repositories

A repository is a collection of information about the queue managers that are members of a cluster. A queue manager that hosts a complete set of information about every queue manager in the cluster has a full repository. For more information about full repositories and partial repositories, see Cluster repository.

Full repositories must be held on servers that are reliable and as highly available as possible and single points of failure must be avoided. The cluster design must always have two full repositories. If there is a failure of a full repository, the cluster can still operate.

Details of any updates to cluster resources made by a queue manager in a cluster; for example, clustered queues, are sent from that queue manager to two full repositories at most in that cluster (or to one if there is only one full repository queue manager in the cluster). Those full repositories hold the information and propagate it to any queue managers in the cluster that show an interest in it (that is, they subscribe to it). To ensure that each member of the cluster has an up-to-date view of the cluster resources there, each queue manager must be able to communicate with at least one full repository queue manager at any one time.

If, for any reason a queue manager cannot communicate with any full repositories, it can continue to function in the cluster based on its already cached level of information for a period time, but no new updates or access to previously unused cluster resources are available.

For this reason, you must aim to keep the two full repositories available at all times. However, this arrangement does not mean that extreme measures must be taken because the cluster functions adequately for a short while without a full repository.

There is another reason that a cluster must have two full repository queue managers, other than the availability of cluster information: This reason is to ensure that the cluster information held in the full repository cache exists in two places for recovery purposes. If there is only one full repository, and it loses its information about the cluster, then manual intervention on all queue managers within the cluster is required in order to get the cluster working again. If there are two full repositories however, then because information is always published to and subscribed for from two full repositories, the failed full repository can be recovered with the minimum of effort.

Should applications use queues on full repositories?

A full repository is in most ways exactly like any other queue manager, and it is therefore possible to host application queues on the full repository and connect applications directly to these queue managers. Should applications use queues on full repositories?

The commonly accepted answer is "No?". Although this configuration is possible, many customers prefer to keep these queue managers dedicated to maintaining the full repository cluster cache. Points to consider when deciding on either option are described here, but ultimately the cluster architecture must be appropriate to the particular demands of the environment.

Managing channel definitions

Even within a single cluster, multiple channel definitions can exist giving multiple routes between two queue managers.

There is sometimes an advantage to having parallel channels within a single cluster, but this design decision must be considered thoroughly; apart from adding complexity, this design might result in channels being under-used which reduces performance. This situation occurs because testing usually involves sending lots of messages at a constant rate, so the parallel channels are fully used. But with real-world conditions of a non-constant stream of messages, the workload balancing algorithm causes performance to drop as the message flow is switched from channel to channel.

When a queue manager is a member of multiple clusters, the option exists to use a single channel definition with a cluster namelist, rather than defining a separate CLUSRCVR channel for each cluster. However, this setup can cause administration difficulties later; consider for example the case where TLS is to be applied to one cluster but not a second. It is therefore preferable to create separate definitions, and the naming convention suggested in Cluster naming conventions supports this.

Workload balancing over multiple channels

This information is intended as an advanced understanding of the subject. For the basic explanation of this subject (which must be understood before using the information here), see Use clusters for workload management, Workload balancing in clusters, and The cluster workload management algorithm.

The cluster workload management algorithm provides a large set of tools, but they must not all be used with each other without fully understanding how they work and interact. It might not be immediately obvious how important channels are to the workload balancing process: The workload management round-robin algorithm behaves as though multiple cluster channels to a queue manager that owns a clustered queue, are treated as multiple instances of that queue. This process is explained in more detail in the following example:
  1. There are two queue managers hosting a queue in a cluster: QM1 and QM2.
  2. There are five cluster receiver channels to QM1.
  3. There is only one cluster receiver channel to QM2.
  4. When MQPUT or MQOPEN on QM3 chooses an instance, the algorithm is five times more likely to send the message to QM1 than to QM2.
  5. The situation in step 4 occurs because the algorithm sees six options to choose from (5+1) and round-robins across all five channels to QM1 and the single channel to QM2.
Another subtle behavior is that even when putting messages to a clustered queue that happens to have one instance configured on the local queue manager, IBM MQ uses the state of the local cluster receiver channel to decide whether messages are to be put to the local instance of the queue or remote instances of the queue. In this scenario:
  1. When putting messages the workload management algorithm does not look at individual cluster queues, it looks at the cluster channels which can reach those destinations.
  2. To reach local destinations, the local receiver channels are included in this list (although they are not used to send the message).
  3. When a local receiver channel is stopped, the workload management algorithm, prefers an alternative instance by default if its CLUSRCVR is not stopped. If there are multiple local CLUSRCVR instances for the destination and at least one is not stopped, the local instance remains eligible.