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Apply and removing maintenance on z/OS

We can install new releases of IBM MQ to update IBM MQ to a new maintenance level.

About this task

From IBM MQ for z/OSĀ® Version 9.0, you apply Program Temporary Fixes (PTFs) to the installed code if your enterprise is using the Long Term Support (LTS) release model.

If your enterprise is using the Continuous Delivery release (CD release) model, we can select which updates your enterprise requires as each CD release replaces the prior one for that version of IBM MQ.

For more information, see IBM MQ Release Types.

Apply PTFs does not change the version, release, or maintenance level of the code. No queue manager migration is required after applying maintenance. PTFs are grouped into Recommended Service Updates (RSUs) that have been tested together in a Consolidated Service Test (CST); see Consolidated Service Test and the RSU.

On the z/OS LTSR model, maintenance is supplied as Program Temporary Fixes, (PTFs), which are applied and removed using SMP/E. PTFs are specific to a particular set of libraries corresponding to specific release level. Apart from any exceptions documented with the PTFs, PTFs do not change the correct operation of IBM MQ. Nonetheless, you must check that the fixes have not changed the operation of critical programs unexpectedly.

PTFs that apply to a category of software fixes might be grouped together and identified using a fix category. For more information, see IBM Fix category values and descriptions.

When you apply maintenance in the form of PTFs, on z/OS, the impact of the change depends on the extent of the change in VRM level. The VRM codes are explained in The version naming scheme for IBM MQ for z/OS.

PTF updates do not require migration, and are reversible. From Version 7.0.1, all upgrades from Version 6.0 or later are reversible if the OPMODE has not been set to NEWFUNC. Important: Upgrades to LTS releases only, are reversible.