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MQI client: Default behavior of client-connection and server-connection channels

In Version 7.0 the default settings for client and server connection channels changed to use shared conversations. This change affects the behavior of heartbeats and channels exits, and can have an impact on performance. Before Version 7.0, each conversation was allocated to a different channel instance. From Version 7.0, the default for client and server connections is to share an MQI channel. We use the SHARECNV (sharing conversations) parameter to specify the maximum number of conversations that can be shared over a particular TCP/IP client channel instance. The possible values are as follows:

For all SHARECNV values of 1 or greater, the channel supports the following features:

We can also set the MQCONNX option, MQCNO_NO_CONV_SHARING and connect the application to a channel with SHARECNV set to a value greater than 1. The result is the same as connecting the application to a channel with SHARECNV set to 1.


The change in Version 7.0 to use shared conversations, and further enhancements introduced in Version 8.0, can impact performance on distributed servers. See Tuning client and server connection channels.


From Version 7.0, heartbeats can flow across the channel at any time in either direction. The SHARECNV(0) and Version 6.0 behavior is for heartbeats to flow only when an MQGET call is waiting.

Channel exits

The behavior of a client or server connection channel exit changes when the channel is sharing conversations (that is, when you set SHARECNV to a value greater than 1). It is unlikely, but possible, that the change affects the behavior of existing exits. The change is as follows:

Updating MQCD when the SharingConversations field is set to TRUE does not affect the way the channel runs. Only alterations made when the MQCXP SharingConversations field is set to FALSE, on an MQXR_INIT call, change channel behavior.