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Verifying a server-to-server installation on Linux

We can use either the command line or the postcard application to verify a server-to-server installation on Linux .

Before you begin

For a server-to-server verification, the communication links between the two systems must be checked. Before we can do the verification, you must therefore ensure that the communications protocol is installed and configured on both systems.

On Linux, IBM MQ supports TCP on all Linux platforms. On x86 platforms and Power platforms, SNA is also supported. If you want to use the SNA LU6.2 support on these platforms, you need the IBM Communications Server for Linux Version 6.2. The Communications Server is available as a PRPQ product from IBM. For more details, see Communications Server.

The examples in this task use TCP/IP. If we do not use TCP, see Set up communication on UNIX and Linux.

For a server-to server installation, we can use the command line to verify that IBM MQ is successfully installed, and that the associated communication links are working properly.

We can also verify an installation using the postcard application. The postcard application is Java based and requires a system with the ability to view a graphical display.