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IBM MQ for z/OS Value Unit Edition (VUE)

IBM MQ for z/OSĀ® Value Unit Edition (VUE) provides all the function and capability of the base IBM MQ for z/OS, in a format that offers a one-time-charge (OTC) price metric.

The OTC price metric provides an alternative pricing model for IBM MQ for z/OS workloads.

IBM MQ for z/OS VUE can connect to other supported versions of IBM MQ for z/OS for workload federation and systems management.

IBM MQ for z/OS VUE allows connections from IBM MQ clients, that run on other platforms.

Install VUE

An order for VUE is fulfilled by delivery of two products:

Note: The VUE enabling product enables either IBM MQ Version 9.0 LTS release or IBM MQ Version 9.0 CD release to conform with the licensing requirements of Value Unit Edition operation. The products are separately installed using SMP/E following the process documented in their respective Program Directories which can be downloaded from the IBM Publications Center:


Enabling VUE

To enable a queue manager to run as an IBM MQ for z/OS VUE queue manager, the SCUEAUTH library created by installation of the VUE enabling product must be added to the STEPLIB concatenation of the xxxxMSTR procedure for that queue manager:

For example, the CSQ4MSTR sample would be modified as follows:

Characteristics of a VUE-enabled queue manager

A VUE-enabled queue manager has all the function and capability of the base queue manager. Additionally, clients will be enabled during channel initiator startup.

A VUE-enabled queue manager records usage information in SMF89 records with the product name and identifier for IBM MQ for z/OS Value Unit Edition (VUE) instead of those for the IBM MQ product.

A VUE-enabled queue manager can: