IBM MQ classes for Java and software management tools
Software management tools such as Apache Maven can be used with the IBM MQ classes for Java™.
Many large development organizations use these tools to centrally manage repositories of third-party libraries.
The IBM MQ classes for Java are composed of a number of JAR files. When you are developing Java language applications by using this API, an installation of either an IBM MQ Server, IBM MQ Client, or IBM MQ Client SupportPac is required on the machine where the application is being developed.
If you want to use a software management tool and add the JAR files that make up the IBM MQ classes for Java to a centrally managed repository, the following points must be observed:
- A repository or container must be made available only to developers within your organization. Any distribution outside of the organization is not permitted.
- The repository needs to contain a complete and consistent set of JAR files from a single IBM MQ release or Fix Pack.
- You are responsible for updating the repository with any maintenance provided by IBM Support.
From IBM MQ Version 8.0, the JAR file needs to be installed into the repository.
From IBM MQ Version 9.0, the Bouncy Castle security provider and CMS support JAR files are required. For more information, see What is installed for IBM MQ classes for Java and Support for non-IBM JREs.