The MQBag class

The class, MQBag, is used to create MQBag objects as required. When instantiated, the MQBag class returns a new MQBag object reference.

Create a MQBag object in Visual Basic as follows:
Dim mqbag As MQBag
Set mqbag = New MQBag

MQBag Property

The properties of MQBag objects are explained in the following list:

MQBag methods

The methods of the MQBag objects are explained in the following list:

Error Handling

If an error is detected during an operation on an MQBag object, including those errors returned to the bag by an underlying MQAX or MQAI object, an error exception is raised. The MQBag class supports the COM ISupportErrorInfo interface so the following information is available to your error handling routine:

  • Error number: composed of the IBM MQ reason code for the error detected and a COM facility code. The facility field, as standard for COM, indicates the area of responsibility for the error. For errors detected by IBM MQ it is always FACILITY_ITF.
  • Error source: identifies the type and version of the object that detected the error. For errors detected during MQBag operations, the error source is always MQBag.MQBag1.
  • Error description: the string giving the symbolic name for the IBM MQ reason code.
How you access the error information depends on your scripting language; for example, in Visual Basic the information is returned in the Err object and the IBM MQ reason code is obtained by subtracting the constant vbObjectError from Err.Number.

    ReasonCode = Err.Number - vbObjectError

If the MQBag Execute method sends a PCF message and a reply is received, the operation is considered successful although the command sent might have failed. In this case, the reply bag itself contains the completion and error reason codes as described in Definitions of the Programmable Command Formats.