Code level tool
You might be asked by the IBM® Service Team which level of code we have installed.
To find this out, run the 'MQAXLEV' utility program.
From the command prompt, change to the directory containing the MQAX200.dll or add the full path length and enter:
where MQAXLEV.OUT is the name of the output file.
If we do not specify an output file, the detail is displayed on the screen.
An example output file from code level tool is detailed in the following example:
Example output file from code level tool
5639-B43 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 2020. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ***** Code Level is 5.1 ***** lib/mqole/mqole.cpp, mqole, p000, p000 L981119 1.8 98/08/21 lib/mqlsx/gmqdyn0a.c, mqlsx, p000, p000 L990212 1.6 99/02/11 16:40:24 lib/mqlsx/pc/gmqdyn1p.c, mqlsx, p000, p000 L990212 1.6 99/02/11 16:44:14 lib/mqlsx/xmqcsa.c, mqole, p000, p000 L990216 1.3 99/02/15 13:24:34 lib/mqlsx/xmqfdca.c, mqlsx, p000, p000 L990212 1.3 99/02/11 16:40:35 lib/mqlsx/xmqtrca.c, mqlsx, p000, p000 L990212 1.5 99/02/11 16:12:02 lib/mqlsx/xmqutila.c, mqlsx, p000, p000 L990212 1.3 99/02/11 16:40:40 lib/mqlsx/xmqutl1a.c, mqlsx, p000, p000 L990212 1.4 99/02/11 16:40:30 lib/mqlsx/xmqcnv1a.c, mqlsx, p000, p000 L990212 1.9 99/02/11 16:40:56 lib/mqlsx/xmqmsg.c, mqole, p000, p000 L990219 1.11 99/02/18 12:12:59