Put method

Places a message on each of the queues identified by the distribution list items associated with the distribution list.

Defined in:

MQDistributionList class


Call MQDistributionList. Put (Message, PutMsgOptions&)


Message MQMessage object representing the message to be put.

PutMsgOptions MQPutMessageOptions object containing options to control the put operation. If not specified, default PutMessageOptions are used.

This method takes an MQMessage object as a parameter. The following distribution list item properties can be altered as a result of this method:

  • CompletionCode
  • ReasonCode
  • ReasonName
  • MessageId
  • MessageIdHex
  • CorrelationId
  • CorrelationIdHex
  • GroupId
  • GroupIdHex
  • Feedback
  • AccountingToken
  • AccountingTokenHex