AccessQueueManager method

Creates a new MQQueueManager object and connects it to a real queue manager by means of the IBM MQ MQI client or IBM MQ server. As well as performing a connect, this method also performs an open for the queue manager object.

When both the IBM MQ MQI client and IBM MQ server are installed on your system, MQAX applications will run against the server by default. To run MQAX against the client, the client bindings library must be specified in the GMQ_MQ_LIB environment variable, for example, set GMQ_MQ_LIB=mqic.dll.

For a client only installation, it is not necessary to set the GMQ_MQ_LIB environment variable. When this variable is not set, IBM MQ attempts to load amqzst.dll. If this DLL is not present (as is the case in a client only installation), IBM MQ attempts to load mqic.dll.

If successful it sets the MQQueueManager's ConnectionStatus to TRUE.

A queue manager can be connected to at most one MQQueueManager object per ActiveX instance.

If the connection to the queue manager fails, an error event is raised, and the MQSession object's ReasonCode and CompletionCode are set.

Defined in: MQSession class

Syntax: set qm = MQSession .AccessQueueManager ( Name$ )

Parameter: Name$ String. Name of Queue Manager to be connected to.