Sample program HELLO WORLD (imqwrld.cpp)
This C++ sample program shows how to put and get a regular datagram (C structure) using the ImqMessage class.
This program shows how to put and get a regular datagram (C structure) using the ImqMessage class. This sample uses few method invocations, taking advantage of implicit method invocations such as open, close, and disconnect.
On all platforms except z/OS
If you are using a server connection to IBM MQ , follow one of the following procedures:If you are using a client connection to IBM MQ, follow one of the following procedures:
- To use the existing default queue, SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE, run the program imqwrlds without passing any parameters
- To use a temporary dynamically assigned queue, run imqwrlds passing the name of the default model queue, SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE.
- Set up the MQSERVER environment variable (see MQSERVER for more information) and run imqwrldc, or
- Run imqwrldc passing as parameters the queue-name, queue-manager-name, and channel-definition, where a typical channel-definition might be SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN/TCP/hostname (1414)
On z/OS
Construct and run a batch job, using the sample JCL imqwrldr.
See z/OSĀ® Batch, RRS Batch and CICSĀ® for more information.
Sample code
extern "C" { #include <stdio.h> } #include <imqi.hpp> // IBM MQ C++ #define EXISTING_QUEUE "SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE" #define BUFFER_SIZE 12 static char gpszHello[ BUFFER_SIZE ] = "Hello world" ; int main ( int argc, char * * argv ) { ImqQueueManager manager ; int iReturnCode = 0 ; // Connect to the queue manager. if ( argc > 2 ) { manager.setName( argv[ 2 ] ); } if ( manager.connect( ) ) { ImqQueue * pqueue = new ImqQueue ; ImqMessage * pmsg = new ImqMessage ; // Identify the queue which will hold the message. pqueue -> setConnectionReference( manager ); if ( argc > 1 ) { pqueue -> setName( argv[ 1 ] ); // The named queue can be a model queue, which will result in // the creation of a temporary dynamic queue, which will be // destroyed as soon as it is closed. Therefore we must ensure // that such a queue is not automatically closed and reopened. // We do this by setting open options which will avoid the need // for closure and reopening. pqueue -> setOpenOptions( MQOO_OUTPUT | MQOO_INPUT_SHARED | MQOO_INQUIRE ); } else { pqueue -> setName( EXISTING_QUEUE ); // The existing queue is not a model queue, and will not be // destroyed by automatic closure and reopening. Therefore we // will let the open options be selected on an as-needed basis. // The queue will be opened implicitly with an output option // during the "put", and then implicitly closed and reopened // with the addition of an input option during the "get". } // Prepare a message containing the text "Hello world". pmsg -> useFullBuffer( gpszHello , BUFFER_SIZE ); pmsg -> setFormat( MQFMT_STRING ); // Place the message on the queue, using default put message // Options. // The queue will be automatically opened with an output option. if ( pqueue -> put( * pmsg ) ) { ImqString strQueue( pqueue -> name( ) ); // Discover the name of the queue manager. ImqString strQueueManagerName( ) ); printf( "The queue manager name is %s.\n", (char *)strQueueManagerName ); // Show the name of the queue. printf( "Message sent to %s.\n", (char *)strQueue ); // Retrieve the data message just sent ("Hello world" expected) // from the queue, using default get message options. The queue // is automatically closed and reopened with an input option // if it is not already open with an input option. We get the // message just sent, rather than any other message on the // queue, because the "put" will have set the ID of the message // so, as we are using the same message object, the message ID // acts as in the message object, a filter which says that we // are interested in a message only if it has this // particular ID. if ( pqueue -> get( * pmsg ) ) { int iDataLength = pmsg -> dataLength( ); // Show the text of the received message. printf( "Message of length %d received, ", iDataLength ); if ( pmsg -> formatIs( MQFMT_STRING ) ) { char * pszText = pmsg -> bufferPointer( ); // If the last character of data is a null, then we can // assume that the data can be interpreted as a text // string. if ( ! pszText[ iDataLength - 1 ] ) { printf( "text is \"%s\".\n", pszText ); } else { printf( "no text.\n" ); } } else { printf( "non-text message.\n" ); } } else { printf( "ImqQueue::get failed with reason code %ld\n", pqueue -> reasonCode( ) ); iReturnCode = (int)pqueue -> reasonCode( ); } } else { printf( "ImqQueue::open/put failed with reason code %ld\n", pqueue -> reasonCode( ) ); iReturnCode = (int)pqueue -> reasonCode( ); } // Deletion of the queue will ensure that it is closed. // If the queue is dynamic then it will also be destroyed. delete pqueue ; delete pmsg ; } else { printf( "ImqQueueManager::connect failed with reason code %ld\n" manager.reasonCode( ) ); iReturnCode = (int)manager.reasonCode( ); } // Destruction of the queue manager ensures that it is // disconnected. If the queue object were still available // and open (which it is not), the queue would be closed // prior to disconnection. return iReturnCode ; }