Creating a WCF custom channel administratively by supplying binding and endpoint information in an application configuration file
The IBM MQ custom channel for WCF is a transport level WCF channel. An endpoint and binding must be defined to use the custom channel, and these definitions can be done by supplying the binding and endpoint information in an application configuration file.
To configure and use the IBM MQ custom channel for WCF, which is a transport level WCF channel, a binding and an endpoint definition must be defined. The binding holds the configuration information for the channel, and the endpoint definition holds the connection details. These definitions can be created in two ways:- Programmatically directly from the application code, as described here: Creating a WCF custom channel by suppling binding and endpoint information programmatically
- Administratively, by providing the details in an application configuration file, as described in the following procedure.
- Start the SvcConfigEditor.exe configuration editor tool. The default installation location for the tool is: Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\Bin\SvcConfigEditor.exe where Drive: is the name of the installation drive.
Step 1: Add a binding element extension to enable WCF to locate the custom channel
- Right-click Advanced > Extension > binding element to open the menu, and select New
- Complete the fields as shown in this table:
Table 1. New binding element fields Field Value Name IBM.XMS.WCF.SoapJmsIbmTransportChannel Type Navigate to IBM.XMS.WCF.dll in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) and select IBM.XMS.WCFSoapJmsIbmTransportBindingElementConfig
Step 2: Create a custom binding definition which pairs the custom channel with a WCF message encoder
- Right-click Bindings to open the menu, and select New Binding Configuration
- Complete the fields as shown in this table:
Table 2. New binding configuration fields Field Value Name CustomBinding_WMQ BindingElement 1 textMessageEncoding (MessageVersion: Soap11) BindingElement 2 IBM.XMS.WCF.SoapJmsIbmTransportChannel
Step 3: Specify the binding properties
- Select the IBM.XMS.WCF.SoapJmsIbmTransportChannel transport binding from the binding you created in: Step 2: Create a custom binding definition which pairs the custom channel with a WCF message encoder
- Make any required changes to the default values of the properties as described in: WCF binding configuration options
Step 4: Create an endpoint definition
Create an endpoint definition which references the custom binding you created in: Step 2: Create a custom binding definition which pairs the custom channel with a WCF message encoder and provides the connection details of the service. The way this information is specified is dependent on whether the definition is for a client application or a service application. For a client application, add an endpoint definition to the client section as follows:- Right-click Client > Endpoints to open the menu, and select New Client Endpoint
- Complete the fields as shown in this table:
Table 3. New client endpoint fields Field Value Name Endpoint_WMQ Address The SOAP/JMS URI describing the WMQ connection details required to access the service. For further details see: IBM MQ custom channel for WCF endpoint URI address format Binding customBinding BindingConfiguration CustomBinding_WMQ Contract The name of your service contract interface
- Right-click Services to open the menu, and select New Service, then select the service class to be hosted.
- Add an endpoint definition to the Endpoints section for your new service, and complete the fields as shown in this table:
Table 4. New service endpoint fields Field Value Name Endpoint_WMQ Address The SOAP/JMS URI describing the WMQ connection details required to access the service. For further details see: IBM MQ custom channel for WCF endpoint URI address format Binding customBinding BindingConfiguration CustomBinding_WMQ Contract The name of your service implementation class